
RSFiles! rev. 13 - Joomla! 3.0 compatibility

in RSFiles! on 27 May 2013 having 2 comments
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The latest revision of RSFiles! brings some improvements and some new features but, most importantly, the Joomla! 3.0 compatibility.

New features

New revisions for our components always include new additions to the component's functionality, and this revision of RSFiles! makes no exception.

Direct download enables, as the name implies, performing the action with a single click, thus improving the end user's workflow. You can turn this option on or off, depending on your needs.

Joomla 3 ready

We are always working hard on keeping our components up-to-date. The RSFiles! - Joomla! 3.0 compatibility (including responsive design & bootstrap capabilities) was being requested by an increasing number of users, and now it is finally here. This revision is also compatible with Joomla! 2.5.

A much needed feature, that we have added in this revision, was the possibility to set up maintenance permissions for the main download folder which, until now, could only be maintained by the website's administrator. You can set this up per RSFiles! groups of users.

Using the System plugin, you can display the files listing of a specific folder anywhere on your website. The layout of the file listing can now be controlled using template overrides, you can read more on how this can be performed for RSFiles! here.

Another new addition to the component is the possibility to set a description for the main download folder. This description will be visible for frontend users.

The type of error that is being displayed when a user cannot (or does not have enough permissions to) access a component-related page can now be controlled using the Error handling feature. You can either display a 500 Error, a 403 Error or redirect the user to the general files listing.

Many Joomla! websites have suport for multiple languages. Since RSFiles! includes the possibility to send some emails (to the website's administrator or the download email, for example), we've considered adding multi-language support for these emails to be a natural evolution. This can now be easily configured by simply selecting the language from a drop-down in the emails configuration screen.


Along with the new features presented above, some improvements have also been made to older features as well.

The Backend file synchronization has been simplified by combining the Purge files and Synchronize files features into a single one that performs both functionalities, Synchronize files.

Keeping in mind the fact that websites are more and more resource-consuming, the entire code has been refactored to use less resources.

What's next

As promised, we will be releasing, in the near future, Joomla! 3.0 compatible versions of RSTickets!Pro and RSMembership!. Also, as usual, we will continue to improve all of our extensions through new revisions and bug fixes.

Your feedback is very important for the further development of our components, please submit any ideas for new features or, maybe, a new component, in our feedback section.

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Alexandru Plapana - 06.06.2013 (08:18:22)

Yes, RSFiles! is Joomla! 3.x compatible. We have updated RSTester! to include the 3.x compatibility as well.


samuele - 06.06.2013 (08:05:53)
joomla 3.1.1. not pass your test with RSTester

before purchase i've try to run your test on my site server...pass all points except this:

This component is not compatible with your Joomla! installation
Your version of Joomla! is not currently supported by this extension. This extension can be used with the following versions of Joomla!: 1.5, 2.5

Why? i' can use it or not?


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