
RSBlog! Rev 10 - Ready for Joomla! 3.0

in RSBlog! on 22 Oct 2012 having 0 comments

RSBlog! Logo Our team is proud to announce that RSBlog! is now ready for Joomla! 3.0. The extension can be downloaded from our website. The extension package can be installed both on Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3.0.

Optimized for mobile phones with responsive layouts

One of the improvements that affected RSBlog! as well as other extensions is the responsive layouts that are standard in Joomla! 3.0. You can now easily manage the extension admin panel from your mobile device. Also, the responsive layout adapts the way your blog posts look optimizing it for your device resolution.

Nested categories

RSBlog! allows you to create nested blog post categories starting with rev. 10.

New ordering options for blog posts

You can now create pages that display your blog posts ordered by more parameters. Blog posts can be ordered by the default Post ordering, by Title alphabetical, by the number of Hits, and by Created date. You can also set up the ordering direction, Ascending and Descending.

Standard Joomla! Model-View-Controller coding

Since from the start, RSJoomla! respected the standard Joomla! MVC coding making our extensions stable, flexible and secure. The new revision comes with re-written code that is Joomla! 2.5 - 3.0 MVC native.

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