The new RSEvents!Pro version includes new features that will allow you to enhance the visitors experience with your event planner.
New Menu Item for Scanning Events
The ticket scanning functionality can now be accessed through a stand alone menu item. You can control the user groups that can perform this action through the group permissions section, thus allowing you to create a specific group that will confirm tickets at the venue.

New Payment Rule
You can use this feature to send a reminder to a different email address based on the selected payment method, subscriber status and a specific timeframe.

Event Scripting Areas
You can now trigger various scripts for the event subscribe and unsubscribe areas.

PayPal v2 integration
This plugin offers the possibility for subscribers to pay for the selected tickets via PayPal Payments Express Checkout method.

If you have any questions regarding this update or if you require assistance with your form please use the following button to submit a ticket to our team.
Submit a ticket