Introducing RSComments! - the new Joomla! comment extension from RSJoomla!

in RSComments! on 11 May 2010 having 1 comments

Joomla! comment systemWe have been quite busy these days, while working on a new RSTickets! release ( with the top requested feature - the reporting tool ) and launching our new comment extension - RSComments!

As the name suggests, RSComments! is a commenting system for Joomla!, in the RSJoomla style, designed to work on any article, blog or other extensions.


  • can submit comments with or without registration (depending on user restrictions)
  • can have an avatar displayed in comments from Gravatar, CB, JomSocial, Kunena and FireBoard
  • can vote for comments that like or dislike (similar to
  • RSS feed for comments
  • quote for comments
  • see and send emails to other users that have been contributed at discussions (also based on their permissions)
  • use smiles & BBcode
  • access "who is" information about a specific author by querying the RIPE Database, a public database containing registration details of the IP addresses and AS numbers.
  • insert images, code, links, YouTube and Google videos

RSComments! visitors comments- Joomla! frontend view

Registered users (and the other Joomla! users groups)

Besides the above features, registered users have access to more options, if they are allowed, of course:

They can:

  • edit, delete own comments
  • edit, delete other comments
  • subscribe to comments
  • publish/unpublish their own or others comments

RSComments! registered users comments- Joomla! frontend view


As an administrator/super-administrator, you can impose restrictions, thus different users groups can have different permissions when commenting.

e.g. Administrators can allow editors to edit, delete, publish, unpublish any comment they like and deny these permissions to registered users.

As an administrator you can:

  • publish/unpublish and edit comments
  • automatically verify spam comments trough the Akismet system (you just have to get an API key)
  • see user's information right from the backend panel: Name, email, website and IP
  • access from backend the list with users' subscriptions
  • choose from 5 avatar types: Gravatar, JomSocial, Community Builder, Kunena and Fireboard.
  • create and use your own custom themes for comments
  • protect comments from spammers with Built-in Captcha or reCAPTCHA
  • censor words that you don't want to appear in comments
  • option to personalize the notifications and subscription emails using placeholders.

RSComments! user groups settings - Joomla! backend view

If you are using a different commenting system on your Joomla! site , you can import the comments from JComments, JomComment, !JoomlaComment, JX-Comments or use the built-in importer. These are simple plugins that will enable you to import using two mouse clicks. Furthermore, a advanced imported feature has also been added. This will allow you to import from almost anything (but will require some knowledge on how components work).

Video presentations:

We have prepared 2 nice video presentations on RSJoomla! TV:

and a demo site frontend and backend to test yourself the extension.

If you have questions, you can submit them to our support, read the RSComments! documentation or simply, leave them in comments.

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Jump starter - 21.11.2010 (07:53:43)


RS Comments is very good !


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