This year is and has been a very busy one and certainly full of changes and upgrades for RSDirectory!. With RSDirectory! you can create free or paid directories with strong filtering capabilities and search options. Due to the component's increasing popularity and success, more and more users asked for a multi-site type subscription that they can use to expand their directories. We listened to your feedback and made several changes to the subscription options available for the product.
Until recently
You could purchase only single-site subscriptions for RSDirectory! with a 12 months support period.
We have diversified our pricing options to suit all of your needs and we are introducing 2 multi-site RSDirectory! subscriptions:
- Multi-site with 6 months Support and Updates
- Multi-site with 12 month Support and Updates
And let’s not forget: The Upgrade Option
If you didn’t know about RSDirectory!’s new multi-site subscription options and just bought a single-site licence or renewed the one you already had, there is a way to get the multi-site subscription you want.
This August we released an option in the My Memberships tab that allows website administrators to upgrade to multi-site any extensions they want, this is covered in the following blog post.
RSJoomla! Community
Do you want any other changes in the RSJoomla! extensions you use? Tell us your idea in the Feedback Section and join the Community Forum to discuss your opinions.
Don’t have a subscription?
Access to the downloads section of RSDirectory! is granted to users that own an active subscription. If you are in need of a subscription, you can purchase one from the product page.
Expired subscriptions can be renewed with a 30% discount (this discount is applied automatically).
Regardless of the subscription you choose, RSDirectory! will be there to match your needs, ready to create customized directories. Stay tuned for the new template especially designed for RSDirectory!.