RSMembership! revision 16 released with K2, FlexiContent, ZOO plugins and iDevAffiliate integration

in RSMembership! on 26 Jan 2011 having 3 comments

RSMembership! - Joomla! membership site

We’ve released RSMembership! revision 16 with some major new features and several usability improvements: a new payment gateway, integration with an important affiliate program, an improved shared content platform, fixed date membership expiration and many more.

1. Authorize.Net Payment Plugin

A new payment solution is available starting with revision 16, besides PayPal and 2Checkout: Authorize.NET plugin.

Apart from the general plugin parameters (the API Login ID and the transaction key generated by Authorize.NET), in the “Plugin Manager” you can add as well the tax applied to the transaction total, the tax type and the tax value.

RSMembership! integration with Authorize.NET

2. Improved Shared Content platform

"Shared Content" now uses a plugin system, so other developers can create their own 3rd party plugins.

We’ve also increased the sharing content flexibility by developing three additional plugins: FlexiContent, K2 and ZOO.

  • K2 plugin: with this plugin you can specify what K2 items and categories can be accessed by purchasing the membership.

    RSMembership! plugin for restricting K2 content

  • FlexiContent plugin : helps you restrict the access to items and categories.

  • ZOO plugin: allows you to impose restrictions to items, categories and applications.

    RSMembership! plugin for restricting ZOO items, categories and application

3. iDevAffiliate integration

With RSMembership! you can now sell memberships as an affiliate via the iDevAffiliate platform.

RSMembership! integration with iDevAffiliate

4. Multiple coupon options

The new RSMembership! tab offers an increased coupon functionality.
Starting with revision 16, in the “Coupons” tab, you can:

  • generate a random coupon code
  • specify the coupon validity length via a JavaScript calendar
  • set the maximum limit of the coupon usage
  • select the discount type (either percent or a fixed amount)
  • choose the memberships for which the discount applies.

RSMembership! Coupons tab

5. Other improvements

We've also made other RSMembership! improvements:

  • we've added a new placeholder - {stock}, to specify the amount of available memberships
  • fixed date membership expiration
  • custom field validation rules (alpha, alphanumeric, numeric, email and website)
  • you can now filter transactions by type, gateway and date range.

Read the complete changelog here

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Alexandru Plapana - 27.01.2011 (06:33:55)

I am glad that the new features are useful. Keep in mind that if you have suggestions for future improvements, add them to the feedback area.


Tariq - 27.01.2011 (05:19:44)

I will re-apply again for rs-membership and keep my account opened with these new great features.
Keep the idea that rock.


Mustaq Sheikh - 27.01.2011 (02:13:26)

Thanks especially for the ZOO support and the Coupon changes


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