
Ep. 69: How to transform an email into a support ticket using the RSTickets!Pro Cron Plugin

The RSTickets!Pro Cron plugin extends the standard RSTickets!Pro functionality by turning emails into support tickets. Basically the administrator can configure an email account, and any emails received on that address can be transformed.


Step 1: Download the RSTickets!Pro cron plugin:

  1. You can download the RSTickets!Pro Cron plugin by accessing your www.rsjoomla.com account, Resources >> Customer downloads >> RSTickets!Pro membership! >> RSTickets!Pro Cron .


Step 2: Installation

  1. Head to the Joomla! backend panel and install the RSTickets!Pro Cron Plugin using the default Joomla! installer.


Step 3: Configuration

  1. Head to Components >> RSTickets!Pro >> "Cron Email Parser Configuration" tab and click on the "New" icon located on the right of the panel.
  2. In the "General" tab, add the name of the cron process, the email server address, the corresponding server protocol and port, the username and password for the specified email account, set how often should the cron check the email account for new emails. You can choose to accept tickets from everyone/nobody or only from registered users.
    You can automatically assign the received email to a specified department and priority.
  3. In the "Advanced" tab, you can enable the SSL/TLS and the server certificate validation.
  4. Once you have configured the RSTickets!Pro cron plugin, you can test the connection by clicking on the "Test Connection" link.



  1. An unregistered user sends a presales question to the configured email address.
  2. The presales email is automatically passed to RSTickets!Pro and turned into a support ticket.
  3. The new ticket is displayed in the "Manage tickets" tab.
  4. The presales email has been transformed into a high priority support ticket and assigned to the presales department.
  5. For each received email, the RSTickets!Pro Cron sends back emails with the user account and ticket details.



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