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102 votes
cron sceduling of active scanner
by researchware on 16 Mar 2020 13:56   1191 Hits   0 comment(s)
6 votes
Easy export to https://www.abuseipdb.com
by it7admin on 21 Sep 2019 16:21   1424 Hits   0 comment(s)
5 votes
Feature request
by nsmit2 on 04 Oct 2018 21:04   1342 Hits   0 comment(s)
5 votes
IP Address Visibility
by johnvonahlen on 12 Dec 2019 10:27   1350 Hits   0 comment(s)
5 votes
Cronjob for Updating GeoLite2 Database
by anonymous on 14 Jan 2020 12:39   1251 Hits   0 comment(s)
4 votes
add email notification threshold
by n1mdas on 14 Nov 2020 20:33   662 Hits   0 comment(s)
3 votes
Export Blacklist/Whitelist list
by rakeshy on 14 Apr 2019 23:28   1330 Hits   0 comment(s)
1 votes
Country blocking by click on country in World map overview
by obrowne on 03 Jan 2017 13:51   1879 Hits   0 comment(s)
1 votes
block country with convivial way useful in europe
by bernard1 on 03 Jan 2019 11:49   1293 Hits   0 comment(s)
1 votes
Filter by country in "system logs"
by tk4 on 23 Dec 2019 15:03   1237 Hits   0 comment(s)
1 votes
tickets from multiple emails
by researchware on 15 Mar 2020 15:04   1154 Hits   0 comment(s)
1 votes
Danger Strings Blocking
by cms5 on 14 Sep 2021 08:35   651 Hits   0 comment(s)
0 votes
notification threshold + sms integration
by n1mdas on 14 Apr 2022 07:16   283 Hits   0 comment(s)
0 votes
API integration to JoomSMS
by n1mdas on 14 Apr 2022 07:23   283 Hits   0 comment(s)
0 votes
Reference check safelist with current IP address
by rakeshy on 09 Sep 2022 10:02   303 Hits   0 comment(s)
4 votes
scan for additional files in joomla core folder structure
by shoulders on 04 Oct 2017 09:50   1567 Hits   0 comment(s)
0 votes
Custom administrator / whm / cpanel URL
by sunnyjey on 13 Oct 2018 11:43   1330 Hits   0 comment(s)
0 votes
Admin URL Rename
by donnie.l.rollins on 22 May 2019 23:38   1281 Hits   0 comment(s)
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