Built-in menu items

Hello, The breadcrumbs can't be overrided as you've described, when accessing an entry, its structure, such as Menu Item, Category, Subcategory is built, there's no easy way to change this. Besied these being used for navigation, these also improves SEO by establishing a clear site structure. You can however try adding a Back button in a template override, which once clicked, this will be redirected back to the referer page. This would naturally require JavaScript knowledge, unfortunately we don't have an example on how this could be achieved. Regards!

Being a component based on the interaction with website users, a big part of RSDirectory!'s functionality is employed through it's built-in frontend menu items.

Assigning menu items to your website's frontend is done using Joomla!'s default Menus functionality.


List Categories

Use this menu item to list all available RSDirectory! categories.

  • Select a Top Level Category: Categories from within the one selected here will be displayed.
Top Level Category
  • Top Level Category Title: Show the title of the top level category
  • Top Level Category Description: Show the description of the top level category or optionally override it with the text from the description field found in the menu item's configuration area. If using Root as top level category, the description field has to be filled
  • Top Level Category Description: If you enter some text in this field, it will override the Top Level Category Description, if it has one
  • Top Category Thumbnail: Choose whether to show the top level category's thumbnail or not
  • Thumbnail Position: The position of the top category's thumbnail - Left / Right
Layout Options
  • # Columns: The number of columns in which to show the categories
  • Subcategory Levels: The number of subcategory levels to display
  • Subcategories Count: The number of subcategories to show. The rest of the subcategories will be hidden and a Show button will be displayed
  • Subcategories Descriptions: Show/Hide the subcategories descriptions
  • Description Char Limit: Limit the description to a number of characters. Use 0 for no limit
  • Subcategories Thumbnail: Show subcategories thumbnails
  • Thumbnails Width: Override the thumbnails width declared in the RSDirectory! Configuration page
  • Thumbnails Height: Override the thumbnails height declared in the RSDirectory! Configuration page
  • # Entries in Category: Show/Hide the number of entries associated with each category
  • Multi Column Order: Order entries down or across columns

Buy Credits

All available credit packages and payment integrations will be displayed to the logged-in user. No backend configuration options are available.


List Entries

A listing of all entries available to the user according to the permissions setup.


Aside from the regular Joomla! menu item configuration parameters(Menu Item Type, Link, Target Window, etc.), this tab also includes the following RSDirectory!-specific option:

  • List By Author: You can select one of the available user accounts (from the User Manager) and have the menu item only display entries submitted by that user. This setting is optional.
Layout Options
  • Number of columns: the number of columns that will be used to display the entries in the listing
  • Show Alphabetical Filtering: enabling this option will generate a list of characters at the top of the page, providing links to entries that start with the respective character. The following options will also be available while this is enabled:
    • Disable Letters Without Entries: set this to Yes to grey out letters that do not have any results. This requires some memory and query time and should be set to No for large sites.
    • Show Reset Button: displays a Reset button for the Alphabetical Filtering.
    • Display [A-Z] Range: this will display the latin alphabet (A-Z).
    • Display [0-9] Group: this will display the 0-9 digits.
    • Display [#] Group: this will display a link for all entries with non-alphanumeric characters.
    • Additional Letters: you can add different letters (eg. Cyrillic, Greek etc) or group of letters separated by comma (,).
  • Select Categories: Optional list of categories. If selected, only the entries from the selected categories and their subcategories will be shown
  • Category Order: No Order / Title Alphabetical / Title Reverse Alphabetical / Category Manager Order - The order in which categories will be shown
  • Ordering: Yes / No - set to Yes in order to show the ordering fields in the frontend
  • Entry order: The ordering criteria applied to the listing (Random Ordering, Least expensive, Most expensive, Oldest entries, Newest entries, Oldest modified, Recently modified, Expiring soon, Expiring later, Title ascending, Title descending, Big Subtitle ascending, Big Subtitle descending, Small Subtitle ascending, Small Subtitle descending, Author ascending, Author descending, Least viewed, Most viewed, Least rated, Most rated, Worst rated, Best rated )
  • Order by price: Yes / No - set to Yes to order entries by their prices
  • Order by the published date: Yes / No - set to Yes to order entries by the date they were published on
  • Order by the modified date: Yes / No - set to Yes to order entries by the date they were last modified on
  • Order by expiry date: Yes / No - set to Yes to order entries by their expiration date
  • Order by title: Yes / No - set to Yes to order entries by their titles
  • Order by big subtitle: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by their big subtitles
  • Order by small subtitle: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by their small subtitles
  • Order by author: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by their authors
  • Order by hits: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by the number of times they were viewed
  • Order by number of ratings: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by the number of ratings they received
  • Order by the average rating: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by the average rating calculated for each of them
  • Default entries limit: select the number of entries displayed on each page
  • Pagination behavior: Choose the behavior when using the pagination links (Stay on page - this keeps the listing at the current page when accessing the menu item again, Reset page - this resets the listing to the first page when accessing the menu item)
  • Pagination: Choose whether to show pagination or not. This is necessary if the entries listing is larger than one page
  • Pagination Results: Show or hide pagination results information, for example, Page 1 of 4
Integration Options
  • Show Feed Link: Show or hide an RSS Feed Link. (A Feed Link will show up as a feed icon in the address bar of most modern browsers)
  • For each feed item show: If set to Intro Text, only the Intro Text of each article will be shown in the newsfeed. If set to Full Text, the whole article will be shown instead

List Entries Minimum Details

A simple listing of all entries available to the user according to the permissions setup. The information displayed in this listing is controlled from the Forms Layout area.


Aside from the regular Joomla! menu item configuration parameters(Menu Item Type, Link, Target Window, etc.), this tab also includes the following RSDirectory!-specific option:

  • List By Author: You can select one of the available user accounts (from the User Manager) and have the menu item only display entries submitted by that user. This setting is optional.
Layout Options
  • Show Row List Full Text: If this is not active, then the text will be trimmed.
  • Show Alphabetical Filtering: enabling this option will generate a list of characters at the top of the page, providing links to entries that start with the respective character. The following options will also be available while this is enabled:
    • Disable Letters Without Entries: set this to Yes to grey out letters that do not have any results. This requires some memory and query time and should be set to No for large sites.
    • Show Reset Button: displays a Reset button for the Alphabetical Filtering.
    • Display [A-Z] Range: this will display the latin alphabet (A-Z).
    • Display [0-9] Group: this will display the 0-9 digits.
    • Display [#] Group: this will display a link for all entries with non-alphanumeric characters.
    • Additional Letters: you can add different letters (eg. Cyrillic, Greek etc) or group of letters separated by comma (,).
  • Select Categories: Optional list of categories. If selected, only the entries from the selected categories and their subcategories will be shown
  • Category Order: No Order / Title Alphabetical / Title Reverse Alphabetical / Category Manager Order - The order in which categories will be shown
  • Ordering: Yes / No - set to Yes in order to show the ordering fields in the frontend
  • Entry order: The ordering criteria applied to the listing (Random Ordering, Least expensive, Most expensive, Oldest entries, Newest entries, Oldest modified, Recently modified, Expiring soon, Expiring later, Title ascending, Title descending, Big Subtitle ascending, Big Subtitle descending, Small Subtitle ascending, Small Subtitle descending, Author ascending, Author descending, Least viewed, Most viewed, Least rated, Most rated, Worst rated, Best rated )
  • Order by price: Yes / No - set to Yes to order entries by their prices
  • Order by the published date: Yes / No - set to Yes to order entries by the date they were published on
  • Order by the modified date: Yes / No - set to Yes to order entries by the date they were last modified on
  • Order by expiry date: Yes / No - set to Yes to order entries by their expiration date
  • Order by title: Yes / No - set to Yes to order entries by their titles
  • Order by big subtitle: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by their big subtitles
  • Order by small subtitle: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by their small subtitles
  • Order by author: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by their authors
  • Order by hits: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by the number of times they were viewed
  • Order by number of ratings: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by the number of ratings they received
  • Order by the average rating: Yes / No - set to Yes to to order entries by the average rating calculated for each of them
  • Default entries limit: select the number of entries displayed on each page
  • Pagination behavior: Choose the behavior when using the pagination links (Stay on page - this keeps the listing at the current page when accessing the menu item again, Reset page - this resets the listing to the first page when accessing the menu item)
  • Pagination: Choose whether to show pagination or not. This is necessary if the entries listing is larger than one page
  • Pagination Results: Show or hide pagination results information, for example, Page 1 of 4
Integration Options
  • Show Feed Link: Show or hide an RSS Feed Link. (A Feed Link will show up as a feed icon in the address bar of most modern browsers)

Single Entry

Use this menu item to display a single, pre-selected entry.

  • Select Entry: Select the entry that you wish to display in the frontend

Add Entry

The frontend entry adding layout. The following options are available in the menu item's backend configuration area.

  • Select category: Optional, limits adding entries only to the category selected here
  • Show Login Form Yes / No. This will include a login form for registered users.


This menu item contains a listing of all entries that have been marked as Favorite by the logged-in user.

Layout Options
  • Category Order: No Order / Title Alphabetical / Title Reverse Alphabetical / Category Manager Order - order entries by the categories that they are associated with
  • Ordering: Choose whether to show or hide the ordering fields
  • Entry Order: The order that the entries will be displayed in
  • Order by date added to favorites: Yes / No
  • Order by price: Yes / No
  • Order by the published date: Yes / No
  • Order by the modified date: Yes / No
  • Order by expiry date: Yes / No
  • Order by title: Yes / No
  • Order by big subtitle: Yes / No
  • Order by small subtitle: Yes / No
  • Order by author: Yes / No
  • Order by hits: Yes / No
  • Order by number of ratings: Yes / No
  • Order by the average rating: Yes / No
  • Pagination: Show or hide Pagination support
  • Pagination Results: Show or hide pagination results information, for example, Page 1 of 4

Categories from Field Values

Creates categories from values that have been configured for a single, pre-selected field. Clicking on a category will list all entries that have that value selected for the field.

  • Select Field: Select the desired field from the list

Starting with version 1.4.12 the Select Field: option will not allow you to select fields that have dependencies set. If you try to select a child field a warning message will be displayed and the selection will not be permitted.

Basic Options
  • Custom Itemid: Optional. Specify the 'List Entries' page (if any) Itemid, which will be used for building the entries links
  • Show description: Choose whether to show the page's description or not
  • Description: Fields page description
Layout Options
  • Columns: the number of columns used to display the categories
  • Multi Column Order: set the flow of the columns down or accross
  • Entries: show or hide the number of entries for each category listed
  • Show subcategories: Yes/No - when using fields that have dependencies, this option allows you to show or hide the child values as subcategories

Note: This is only available for select fields: dropdowns, checkboxes and radio groups.


My Account

Displays information that is associated with the logged-in user's account.

Backend configuration - Layout Options
  • Pagination: Choose whether to show or hide pagination
  • Pagination Results: Show or hide pagination results information, for example, Page 1 of 4
Frontend information

The displayed information is split into 3 tabs, based on relevance:

  • Current Credits: The number of remaining credits
  • Spent credits: The number of credits that were spent
  • Posted Entries: The number of entries posted from the current account. Clicking on it will redirect the user to an instance of the My Entries menu item, you can read more about it below
  • Enable contact form: Set to Yes in order to enable the Contact functionality on the users's entry pages.
  • View: Clicking on the View button associated with each transaction will open a page containing details regarding that transaction
  • Credit package: The credit package the transaction was made for
  • Gateway: The gateway through which the transaction was made
  • Order Number: The order number associated with the transaction, provided by the payment gateway
  • Total: The price paid for the package + tax (if any)
  • Credits: The number of credits the package offers
  • Status: The transaction's status
Credits History
  • Entry: The entry the credits have been spent for
  • Type: The form field's type
  • Credits: The number of credits spent for the current field
  • Date: The date the entry was added on
Remove Data and Account

The User - Remove Data displays a simple option where logged in users can request, according to the GDPR legislation, to have their data removed. In order for this to work, you will need to enable the 'Allow Self Anonymisation' from Components > RSDirectory! > Configuration > Data Protection area.


My Entries

Displays all entries that have been created by the logged-in user.

Layout Options
  • Select Categories: Optional list of categories. If selected, only the entries from the selected categories and their subcategories will be shown
  • Category Order: No Order / Title Alphabetical / Title Reverse Alphabetical / Category Manager Order - order the entries by category.
  • Ordering: Choose whether to show the ordering fields or not
  • Entry Order: The order in which the entries will be displayed
  • Order by price: Yes / No
  • Order by the published date: Yes / No
  • Order by the modified date: Yes / No
  • Order by expiry date: Yes / No
  • Order by title: Yes / No
  • Order by big subtitle: Yes / No
  • Order by small subtitle: Yes / No
  • Order by hits: Yes / No
  • Order by number of ratings: Yes / No
  • Order by the average rating: Yes / No
  • Pagination: Show / hide pagination support
  • Pagination Results: Show or hide pagination results information, for example, Page 1 of 4

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