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Integrate with Membership

by mmckee41 on 25 Jun 2014 14:43 | 2113 Hits | 4 comment(s)

RS Directory would be awesome if it would integrate with RS Membership for those of us that use all of your products. I hate having to go outside your company to have someone else integrate the two pieces of software. Please consider this for others who use your products.

Poltoo - 03.12.2014 (14:00:08)
Similar Problem

I am trying to achieve something like this as well. I want certain field from the directory be accessible only by paid members. So for example, free members will be able to add only name, address, and email and paid members will be able to add website, images etc. in addition to that. I have been looking through all directory component for something like this but no luck yet. Please help..


Tretyakov Evgeniy - 10.11.2014 (22:42:18)

Quote :
Can you please provide a description on how you would see these two components integrated ?

I'm also need this option: there is a number of RSDirectory categories, that content files or images that have commercial value. Idea to make access to it like access to k2 categories in RSMembership.


Corrado Conti - 06.11.2014 (15:34:31)

I totally agree with this.
I submitted a ticket asking for way to integrate the two and I did receive a response that makes sense (even though I am yet to buy both) but in my case I would like to be able to sell a single entry to a professional and then upsell based on the fields they want to use but also based on positioning of the ad in the search results (kind of like adwords), sticky positioning in the category display (basically, if you pay more, your ad or listing will receive a graphical treatment and display at the top of the page in a special area or above the lesser entries).

It could also be as simple (conceptually) as having RSmembership take over the selling of the fields instead of using the built in system.


Alexandru Plapana - 26.06.2014 (05:20:53)

Can you please provide a description on how you would see these two components integrated ?


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