
AVS error when trying to susbcribe to a membership via Authorize.Net

The Address Verification Service (AVS) is a system designed by bankcard processors to aid in the detection of suspicious credit card transaction activity. AVS matches billing address information provided by the cardholder with the cardholder’s billing address on file at the credit card issuing bank. The processing network then sends an AVS response code indicating the results of the match to the payment gateway. The AVS response code can be found in the payment gateway transaction response as well as on the Transaction Detail page. Based on your AVS rejection settings, the transaction is accepted or rejected. More information regarding this topic can be found in this document.

The reason this affects RSMembership! is that when a subscription is made through this payment gateway, the component will only send the transaction related data to Authorize(credit card details), the address data will not be sent. In order to correct this please try accessing your Authorize.net account and disable all AVS checks.


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