Upcoming events module

The RSEvents!Pro Upcoming module allows you to display a simple listing within a module position for current and / or future events.

The module can be downloaded from within the rsjoomla.com > My downloads section. Note that you need to have an active RSEvents!Pro license to be able to do this. To learn how to install the module, please refer to the installation tutorial.

Configuration Parameters
  • Layout: use a different layout from the module ( can be default or image )
  • Number of columns: specify the number of columns the upcoming events will use
  • Module Class Suffix: the CSS class specified here will be applied to the module container. This allows control to individual module styling.
  • Custom Itemid: links that will be posted via this module will incorporate the item id parameter as specified here
  • Default ordering: select the default ordering direction
  • Default ordering direction:
  • Show repeating events: Yes/No - choose whether you want to show the repeating events or not
  • Show archived events: Yes/No - if enabled, this option will also include in the events list, the events that are archived and correspond to your selected options
  • Open links in: choose how the events will be opened
  • Events: select what events you wish to show
  • Show canceled events: Yes/No - if set to yes, the canceled events will be included as well, according to your selected options
  • Show full events: Yes/No - if set to yes, the fully booked events will be included as well, according to your selected options
  • Number of events: select the number of events you need to show
  • Event categories: filter events by using the selected categories
  • Event locations: filter events by using the selected locations
  • Event tags: the listing will incorporate events that contain the specified tags. Leave empty for all.
  • Event Speakers: you can choose to filter events based on specific speakers assigned.
  • Event Sponsors: you can choose to display events that have specific sponsors assigned.

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