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TOPIC: Pages won't save from admin: RSSEO -> Pages

Pages won't save from admin: RSSEO -> Pages 13 years 5 months ago #12352

Hi there,

I'm trying to update the meta info, description, and titles of my pages from Components -> RSSEO -> Pages, in the administrative interface.

Any time I click save or apply after modifying the fields described above, it says it saves fine, but reverts to the values it had before! It just won't save. It used to work, but I've configured a bunch of modules since then, including the notorious MageBridge extension.

I've tried messing with the config, and nothing changes this outcome. I tried the steps described here:


There's no problem detected with connectivity, I don't have 404SEF installed, and caching is OFF.

So I cracked my knuckles and started debugging. Here's what I've learned:

The javascript is submitting the form fine.

In administrator/components/com_rsseo/controllers/page/pages.php, rsseoControllerPages->save() is being called properly with all the correct form data. It actually saves the page to the database on line 58:
 if ($row->store()) {
   $msg = JText::_('RSSEO_PAGE_SAVE' );

But then a few lines down the following function changes the database row in jos_rsseo_pages back to what it was originally, before I modified it.

Inside the checkpage() function the following function is called inside
administrator/components/com_rsseo/controllers/pages.php :

So the rsseoHelper rebuilds the page in checkPage. It's getting the page title, description, and meta data from the following function on line 43 of administrator/components/com_rsseo/helpers/rsseo.php:
$html = rsseoHelper::fopen(JURI::root().$page->PageURL);

The fopen function goes and visits the web page URL which was provided when the form was submitted (the page I'm trying to edit), and grabs the meta data, description, and title from that page. Then it saves the data it finds there to the database.

The problem with that is, it's grabbing an old version of the page, and overwriting the changes I'm trying to make to the row in the database! So my changes get saved for a millisecond only to be overwritten by the old values.

I don't think the pages are grabbing data from RSSEO properly, as even when I modify the rows in jos_rsseo_pages directly through phpmyadmin, the title, description, and meta data remains the same.

I know this may be the fault of Magebridge, but I was hoping maybe someone had a similar problem and has some insight. Any hint or clue would be extremely valuable to me! Thanks for reading!

Drupal module and theme development Freelance Drupal Developer
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Re:Pages won't save from admin: RSSEO -> Pages 13 years 5 months ago #12372

  • alexp
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Did you have a look at the following article that addresses this issue ?

Please note: my help is not official customer support. To receive your support, submit a ticket by clicking here
RSJoomla! Development Team
Last Edit: 13 years 4 months ago by andreic.
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Re:Pages won't save from admin: RSSEO -> Pages 13 years 4 months ago #12546

The good old boys from RSSEO support figured it out. MageBridge is compatible with RSSEO! Here's the reply I received from support that solved our issue:

"From what I can see this seems to be caused by the fact that your entered site for the $live_site variable does not contain "www.". You can check your currently configured site by going to Help > System Info > Configuration File > $live_site. Please try editing your configuration.php file and adding your site as : www.yoursite.com."

Hopefully this helps someone else down the road.
Drupal module and theme development Freelance Drupal Developer
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Re:Pages won't save from admin: RSSEO -> Pages 12 years 10 months ago #14205

RSSeo admin you have really to work on this problem. All your tips of solution don't work. I cant change and safe any Meta-Keyword or Meta_Description. An this is really imporatant for me. One of the reason to buy this product.
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Re:Pages won't save from admin: RSSEO -> Pages 12 years 10 months ago #14348

  • bogdanc
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If you followed all the steps from the article that my colleague previously pointed out:


then please try submitting a ticket regarding this issue that you are encountering.
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