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by rmadigan on 20 Aug 2013 13:14 | 2231 Hits | 0 comment(s)

The idea is to create a product like RSForm!Pro or perhaps a plugin, that has two functions:
1. Create a self-grading quiz, and
2. Create and design a certificate of achievement that will be displayed to users on a successful quiz score.

The aim is to make quiz creation and certificate generation more user-friendly than with RSForm, including frontend edit features for questionnaires and certificates.

This tool should allow quiz-writers to set the responses in multiple choice format, but also plug in the correct response on form creation. This will essentially create a table of correct responses as you create the form. There should also be an additional field which adds notes on why the response is correct.

When users are ready to submit their quiz, they should have the option of reviewing their responses before submitting.

The quiz should be automatically graded, and display on screen a list of their submitted responses and the correct ones with the notes on why the response is correct.
Correct responses could be indicated with green check marks and incorrect with red X marks, however this could be customized by uploading new png icons.

After the user scores above a certain percentage, a certificate would be generated, which can be printed to show the user's achievement.
Quiz developers can customize the certificate and add fields to certain page locations based upon user information provided at the front-end of the quiz.

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