personal agenda on Joomla
by glsarto on 21 May 2013 15:33 | 2368 Hits | 0 comment(s)
I need a Joomla extension based on three linked tables: contacts, appointments, todo, and acting as a personal agenda or PIM (personal information manager).
Need to add, edit, delete, search any record from user interface.
Appointments must have repeat options.
Each table must have fields to categorize and group records.
Selecting a record in a table must show links in other tables.
Need to be able to add user that can read/edit/add records from admin interface.
The typical UI will show: Calendar as left column, Contacts as contents, Appointments as right column, ToDo as right column.
It would be nice to be able to drag a contact on Appointments to generate new linked Appointment, and drag it to ToDo to generate a new linked ToDo (ex. Call John..).
I already have a php app that can do this, but would like it to be inside Joomla. I can give the code if necessary beacause I'm the owner.