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37 votes

Export Barcode

by rubenl on 03 Sep 2012 16:09 | 5404 Hits | 2 comment(s)


It's great there is a barcode plugin. But it would be better if there's an export function for the barcodes (csv, xls or txt). So these code can be imported into a third party scan solution.

Most lovely would be the following format:
Barcode;Start time/date; End time/date; Name; Ticket info;

Kind regards!

Peter Walker - 21.06.2013 (08:52:40)

Yes this is a requirement MUST HAVE for frontend users - its no good for backend only function as in my case the site is for frontend users to host their events! Please consider this


A Booij - 08.02.2013 (05:37:27)

It would also be a nice option if the barcode is scanned
nowadays this with an app on your mobile phone
that you will be redirected to a URL which is then equal insteld this visitor (s) inside.
And so with that ticket not again go inside

That in a second scan than is reported that there has already been scanned.

From dutch to english translated by google


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