RS Marketplace ??
by info132 on 21 Aug 2012 12:21 | 2421 Hits | 0 comment(s)
Hello, I am a friend of Wilco Alsemgeest, someone who you do all Dutch translations. I had a question whether you were still looking for new ideas for extensions. If that is the case then I e rnog a.
In the Netherlands we have a number of websites including 2nd hand stuff to sell. but equally new things from commercial companies.
Now I've been watching but that field is for joomla but one party has made a similar sort of extension. Well not really a technical feat because gerbuikers eg can not own their stuff online without going via the webmaster. This extencie hot marketplace. I have him on one of my sites running but is not super see website:
Now my idea with you to fabricate something that certainly is a market for it in joomal country. Especially now that we have more in fincniele crisis, people want their old stuff away and buy another but prefer something second hand or new which is often too expensive. This problem is seen in many countries du sis also wereldweid a market for such extension.
I wonder if you are interested to have this with me to develop under the umbrella RS. I do not charge or what only a good working lifetime extension without paying. let's hear whether you have intrested.
with regards
Cor Kevenaar
Cor Kevenaar Webdesign
Kvk 09204899