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Allow for custom reports to be created.

by Innocey on 02 Jul 2012 15:10 | 2495 Hits | 1 comment(s)

It would be very good for the reports plugin to allow the selection of criteria and custom fields for reporting purposes.

To have a drag and drop interface of all reporting criteria and be able to select and create custom reports would be very helpful.

Phil Dunbavan - 29.01.2014 (18:09:21)
Auto-generate event reports

Hi, it would be great to have an auto-generated events report function for RSEvents!Pro. This function would allow a user to send individual event reports to specified email address' at specified intervals/dates automatically. The user would be able to specify which fields are to be included in the reports (i.e. total number of tickets sold, subscriber details. etc.). This would be a great function that would save time and enable the user to automatically update event presenters on their ticket sales, stats, etc.


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