JReviews integration
by akide on 03 Nov 2011 12:10 | 9325 Hits | 7 comment(s)
I think it would be very useful to add to RSevents the integration in Jreviews listings. In many people are asking in the JReviews forum ( http://www.reviewsforjoomla.com/forum ) the addition of the function for events.
Can you provide an accurate description on how you would like to have these integrated ?Quote
Is this made ?
Is it possible to add events to my jreviews ? I search for this for so long.
I presume that you are referring to a directory structure like integration. We will have this into consideration for future revisions.
QuoteAlexandru, maybe I have not explained well. I would like to add RSEvents events function to JReviews. In short I would like to see the page of events and locations built by Jreviews instead of the native RSEvents pages.
Unfortunately no. RSEvents! already incorporates a feature similar to the one that JReviews offers (event grading).
QuoteW.I.P. ?
Hi, is this a Work in Progress?
QuoteThank you.
Perfect match of the best event and cck extensions
I don't see how this HASNT been done yet. JReviews is one of THE BEST platforms on Joomla, and widely used. I would pay to have this integration done!!