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114 votes

Integration with Campaign Monitor

by peter.bui4 on 20 Sep 2011 07:01 | 9164 Hits | 1 comment(s)

Personally I find the Campaign Monitor emailing system much better than that of MailChimp.

It gives us much more flexibility in what can be designed and coded, and out clients that use it, over 40+, find it much easier to use.

It would be fantastic to be able to easily push out RSForm Pro emails from a form directly into Campaign Monitor.

An administrator would choose an email input box, or a specific campaign monitor email input box. That email address on save will then be pushed to the configured campaign monitor accounts.

It is a plugin worth paying for in my personal opinion.


PB Web Development

Octavian Cinciu - 19.04.2016 (04:39:56)

Completed: https://www.rsjoomla.com/blog/view/388-email-marketing-made-easier-with-rsformpro.html


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