Configuration of the category selection (levels indication and select active)
by Rajoz on 10 Sep 2011 13:01 | 5939 Hits | 0 comment(s)
The configuration of the categories should be easier doing two small improvements:
1) List of categories should have the indication of the level
Exemple in RSComments (alphabetical order and no level indication) --> impossible to see any difference between "News" and "News" :
Same example in Joomla! articles --> here the difference is immediately visible (the two "News" are not at the same level)
- Uncategorized
- News
-- America
-- Europa
- Blog
-- News
-- Tablets
2) The selection should be positive
The current configuration is to select the categories where RSComment is unactive. My request is to be able to select positively the categories where RSComment is active :
- the number of categories is quite large with J! 1.7 (no sections) : it is easier to select the small number of categories where RSComment has to be active
- when adding a new category, by defaut RSComment is active on it (category not selected in RSComments configuration), it is less risky to have by default RSComment not active and so to have to add the category in RSComments configuration if needed to be active.
Best regards,