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7 votes

restricted department according several options

by french150 on 03 May 2011 08:51 | 2974 Hits | 1 comment(s)

I would like that it was possible show/hide department for every, all or group customer. In this way admin can allow some customers to post ticket only into authorized department.

Francesco - 19.05.2011 (16:08:55)

Hello. Also you should allow admin tom set for every customers group the following settings:
1) connect it to a specific joomla user group (registered, author,....);
2) connect it also to other user group of other acl component, like user group of front end user access component;
3) connect it to specific subscription plan (by AEC, PAYPLANS, OSE MEMBERSHIP COMPONENTS)
4) enable or disable upload attachment to ticket;
5) allow specific department(s) where user can post ticket;
6) set how many ticket user can open for a predefinied period (like max 3 ticket daily);

These would be a great addons to improve a lot your component.


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