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Please allow multiple Single Product fields in the PayPal Payments plugin.

by ed1 on 19 Sep 2023 11:37 | 73 Hits | 0 comment(s)

When using the RSForm!Pro PayPal plugin, https://www.rsjoomla.com/support/documentation/rsform-pro/plugins-and-modules/rsform-pro-new-payment-plugin.html, I need a way to list multiple products on a form and have the user select a quantity of each. I can do that today by creating multiple Multi-Product fields, each with a single item, but then to a user it looks like they should have choices from drop-downs when in fact they don't, it's a fixed price. Ideally I just want to create multiple Single-Product fields but you don't allow that per the plugin description "Being a single use field (you can add only one in a given form), its internal name will always be the same, rsfp_Product". We can have multiple Multi-Product, multiple Donation, and multiple Quantity fields on a form, it's inconsistent to only allow 1 or 0 Single-Product field and the suggested workaround "you can simply use the Multiple Product field as you're already using it and for example, change the View Type attribute to Radio Group instead. Then, you can use the [c] syntax to select by default your only item and afterwards, use a CSS rule in your form dedicated CSS area (under Form Properties) to hide this radio button." is unnecessarily complex.

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