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uploading photos on RS directory form

by office922 on 13 Feb 2021 16:16 | 325 Hits | 0 comment(s)

I recently requested a ticket regarding a problem with photos turning when uploaded onto the forms, and then appearing wrong on the website listings.
"The form the customer uses turns the photographs without them being able to see before uploading and no way of correcting. What I am requesting is a new feature: to have a rotate & preview button like horsemart.co.uk.

Otherwise the images on the website are looking very unprofessional and creating a messy look. No one wants to turn their head around to try and see pictures!"

I included a screenshot for an example. It is what people expect from a form such as this in order to advertise a product or service with images. My website is buyandsell.myhorsenetwork.co.uk
I am concerned this is making it look very unprofessional and hope you at RSJoomla can improve this!
Many thanks

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