Folder Permissions Check - You have folders with permissions higher than 755

The Folder Permissions Check will alert you which folders in your Joomla! installation have permissions greater than 755. This is highly important for your website's security, as the way in which you set up permissions for your website's folders dictates which user groups have permissions to read/write/execute them.

755 folder permissions

When setting folder permissions, it is best that you only grant the Owner read, write and execute permissions, all other user groups should only be allowed to read and execute.

This is done by setting the permissions, per folder, to 755.

To trigger this functionality, head to Components >> RSFirewall! >> System Check and click on Perform the System Check.

The component offers a tool that can attempt to automatically fix the permissions set for the highlighted folders, but the success of this action really depends on how the hosting provider has set some permissions for your website.

The System Check functionality will check the permissions set for your website's folders and will highlight the items that have permissions higher than recommended.


Please refer to the online Joomla! documentation for more information on how folder permissions are being calculated.

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