RSRadda! Changelog

24 May 2024
Version 1.2.0
  • Added - Joomla! 5 native compatibility - no longer needs the 'Behaviour - Backward Compatibility' plugin.
  • Fixed - Joomla! 5.1 backend Dark Mode fixes.
  • Fixed - Menu item icon was not displayed if 'Mega Menu' option was enabled.
25 Mar 2024
Version 1.1.6
  • Fixed - Template social buttons were not displayed properly.
21 Mar 2024
Version 1.1.5
  • Added - Google Analytics 4 option was added.
  • Fixed - Template positions animation could lead to PHP errors.
27 Oct 2023
Version 1.1.4
  • Upgraded - Updated to Less version 4.1.0.
  • Upgraded - Integrated Font Awesome version 6.4.2.
  • Fixed - Adjusted modal iframe height.
  • Fixed - Third-level submenu overlapped its parent, rendering it inaccessible when placed at the end of the main menu.
  • Fixed - Made code enhancements for better performance and clarity.
  • Fixed - Resolved issues where some Google fonts were not loading as expected.
  • Fixed - Addressed preloader performance issues.
  • Fixed - Joomla! 5 compatible.
  • Fixed - Updated the Twitter social icon to X.
03 Feb 2023
Version 1.1.3
  • Fixed - "Category Blog" and "Masonry Blog" layout fixes.
  • Fixed - Image logo width and height attributes.
  • Fixed - PHP 8 compatibility issues.
31 Aug 2022
Version 1.1.2
  • Fixed - Some template parameters were not working properly.
  • Fixed - Main menu side positions were not displayed.
22 Aug 2022
Version 1.1.1
  • Fixed - "Hide Copyright Link" option was not working properly.
  • Fixed - Select box arrow overlapped the option.
07 Jul 2022
Version 1.1.0
  • Added - Joomla! 4 support.
21 Mar 2024
Version 1.0.8
  • Added - Google Analytics 4 option was added.
07 Jul 2022
Version 1.0.7
  • Fixed - isSite() and isAdmin() changed to isClient() to prevent errors after upgrading to Joomla! 4.
18 May 2022
Version 1.0.6
  • Fixed - RSPageBuilder! Image element bug fix.
11 Apr 2022
Version 1.0.5
  • Fixed - "Joomla! Articles - Category List" menu item was throwing an error.
17 Feb 2022
Version 1.0.4
  • Fixed - Field with "showon" attribute were not working.
  • Fixed - Some icons were not displayed in TinyMCE editor toolbar.
  • Fixed - Preloader was not performing correctly when accesing various links with javascript events attached.
  • Fixed - PHP 8 compatibility issues and code improvements.
19 Mar 2021
Version 1.0.3
  • Fixed - System errors were not displayed properly.
  • Fixed - Some modules were not imported correctly in sample data.
4 Jan 2021
Version 1.0.2
  • Fixed - Some preexisting RSPageBuilder! pages that had the same alias as the sample data pages were overwritten if sample data installation was proceeded.
  • Fixed - Display "Search Menu Item" according to module parameters.
16 Sep 2020
Version 1.0.1
  • Fixed - Template layout could not be scaled on mobile devices.
  • Fixed - Articles without intro images were not displayed correctly.
25 Aug 2020
Version 1.0.0
  • Initial release

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