Subscribe Module


The RSMembership! Subscribe module allows you to display a simple form within a module position for easily subscribing your users to the available memberships.

The module can be downloaded from within the > My downloads section. Note that you need to have an active RSMembership! license to be able to do this. To learn how to install the module, please refer to the installation tutorial.

Module-specific configuration parameters:
  • Show Name - Yes / No Show the Name input in the module. This will display only if the user is not logged in.
  • Show Email - Yes / No Show the Email input in the module. This will display only if the user is not logged in.
  • Show Username - Yes / No Show the Username input in the module.
    This will display only if the Allow customers to choose their username is active and if the user is not logged in.
  • Filter by Category - Limit the memberships available in the selection field to only the ones from the selected categories.
  • Membership Select Type - Choose how the selection of the membership should be, between a radio selection or a dropdown
  • Subscribe Menu Item - Specify the menu item for the subscribing page.
  • Module Class Suffix - A suffix to be applied to the CSS class of the module. This allows for individual module styling.

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