Upgrade from one membership to another
RSMembership! offers a simple feature that enables you to set up membership upgrades - Upgrades. You can access this feature by heading to Components >> RSMembership! >> Upgrades.
Backend configuration
Defining a membership upgrade is a simple process that only implies 4 fields:
- Published: Set whether the upgrade is published or not.
- From membership: The membership that will be upgraded.
- To membership: The target membership. (for this one you'll need to configure the membership Upgrade Email)
- Price difference: Specify a price difference between the two memberships.
Frontend usage
Frontend users will be able to upgrade their memberships through the Show Subscriber's Memberships menu item, by by following these steps:
- Click on the membership you wish to upgrade
- Select the upgrade that you wish to have applied
- Click on Upgrade and you will be redirected to the standard membership subscription form, where you will need to provide your payment information.
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