RSMembership! Changelog

22 Jul 2024
Version 2.1.5
  • Updated - Custom Fields can now be set to only be viewed / updated in the administrator section.
10 Jul 2024
Version 2.1.4
  • Updated - Membership Custom Fields can now be manually added to a subscription from the backend.
  • Updated - Selecting a single Membership from the 'Subscriptions' area will now show the Membership Custom Fields as columns.
  • Updated - Exporting subscriptions into CSV will now export the user's 'Name' as well.
  • Updated - Exporting subscriptions into CSV will now export Membership Custom Fields either as a single column if memberships are different or through separate columns if only one Membership is selected.
  • Updated - Magnific Popup updated to v1.2.0
  • Fixed - In some cases a strftime() deprecated error was shown on Calendar fields.
04 Jun 2024
Version 2.1.3
  • Added - When allowing re-subscribing with the same email address a new option is available that allows to skip the New User Email, for not logged in users.
  • Fixed - The {username} placeholder returned empty in some emails.
  • Fixed - The {category} placeholder returned the category ID instead of the name.
  • Fixed - Removed the {coupon} placeholder from the list in New Extra Added / Renewal / Upgrade emails.
31 May 2024
Version 2.1.2
  • Updated - More placeholders available for "Wire transfer details": {date_purchased}, {site_name}, {site_url} and Membership Custom Fields.
18 Apr 2024
Version 2.1.1
  • Fixed - Joomla! 5.1 Dark Mode fixes.
27 Feb 2024
Version 2.1.0
  • Added - Joomla! 5 native compatibility - no longer needs the 'Behaviour - Backward Compatibility' plugin.
25 Oct 2023
Version 2.0.24
  • Updated - Dark Mode in Joomla! 5 was unreadable.
  • Updated - Some Joomla! 5 code improvements.
02 Aug 2023
Version 2.0.23
  • Fixed - Unpublished custom fields could prevent the user data from being saved in Joomla! 4
19 May 2023
Version 2.0.22
  • Updated - PHP 8.1 improvements.
11 Apr 2023
Version 2.0.21
  • Added - Option to delete older access log entries under Configuration - Data Protection.
  • Updated - iDevAffiliate requests will now be written to a 'rsmembership_idev_log.php' file in the Joomla! log folder.
  • Updated - 'Access Logs' is now a separate administration menu item.
  • Fixed - 'Access Logs' had an extra table heading.
06 Feb 2023
Version 2.0.20
  • Fixed - Manually changing the subscriber's membership status would throw an error on Joomla! 4.
  • Fixed - Frontend AJAX request for coupon verification was using a wrong path.
09 Jan 2023
Version 2.0.19
  • Fixed - The Grand Total was not displayed correctly in certain use cases.
03 Jan 2023
Version 2.0.18
  • Added - 'Allow Cancelling' option under Configuration - Subscribing.
  • Updated - Transactions search will now take into account the 'custom' column.
  • Updated - Transactions can be searched in the backend by specifying 'ID:'
  • Fixed - Some PHP 8.1 compatibility issues have been solved.
  • Fixed - Textarea custom fields in the frontend could not be resized vertically.
  • Fixed - When approving multiple transactions the invoice was not generated correctly.
12 Sep 2022
Version 2.0.17
  • Added - Separate 'Date and Time Format' setting for Invoices in Configuration - Invoice Settings.
  • Updated - TCPDF updated to 6.5.0 for better PHP 8+ compatibility.
  • Fixed - User group changing was not recorded in the System Logs when 'Replace User Groups instead of updating' was set to 'Yes'.
07 Sep 2022
Version 2.0.16
  • Updated - Exporting transactions, subscriptions or subscribers into CSV now takes into account current search options.
  • Fixed - Searching by email was not working in the Transactions area if the transaction user wasn't already created.
30 Aug 2022
Version 2.0.15
  • Fixed - Reports horizontal axis was incorrectly formatting years.
  • Fixed - Amounts in reports weren't formatted according to settings.
25 Aug 2022
Version 2.0.14
  • Fixed - Calendar field was throwing an error due to Joomla! 4.2 changes.
  • Fixed - Calendar field was not taking into account the timezone configuration.
  • Fixed - Some pages were showing warnings on PHP 8.1
  • Fixed - The Custom Invoice Font set on a membership was not working.
26 Jul 2022
Version 2.0.13
  • Fixed - IPv6 addresses could not be stored in Joomla! 4 or were truncated in Joomla! 3
  • Fixed - Longer gateway names were causing transactions to not get stored when using Joomla! 4
12 Jul 2022
Version 2.0.12
  • Fixed - Some JHtml::image() calls were not correct on Joomla! 4.
  • Fixed - When updating the extension, all custom fields from the #__rsmembership_subscribers table will be updated to support NULL values.
08 Jun 2022
Version 2.0.11
  • Fixed - Grand Total was incorrectly showing HTML code.
06 Jun 2022
Version 2.0.10
  • Fixed - An error was showing up when viewing the transaction details due to changes in Joomla! 4.1.4.
26 May 2022
Version 2.0.9
  • Added - 'Use Joomla! Global Configuration' option for the 'Admin Email' setup.
  • Added - Can specify the 'From Name' in the 'Admin Email'.
25 May 2022
Version 2.0.8
  • Fixed - Redirect to login URLs weren't routed through JRoute.
  • Fixed - Custom fields were throwing an error due to changes in Joomla! 4.1.4.
11 May 2022
Version 2.0.7
  • Fixed - Invoice percentual tax is no longer rounded up.
03 May 2022
Version 2.0.6
  • Fixed - 'Notify again' was not working on Joomla! 4.
04 Apr 2022
Version 2.0.5
  • Fixed - Upgrade and Renew weren't being done properly on Joomla! 4 with certain payment processors.
21 Mar 2022
Version 2.0.4
  • Fixed - In some cases when an invalid date was present in the database an error would appear when editing a subscriber in the backend.
11 Mar 2022
Version 2.0.3
  • Fixed - Renewals were incorrectly decreasing stock.
27 Jan 2022
Version 2.0.2
  • Fixed - When using 'No. of Available Memberships' the membership's configuration was being reset upon subscribing.
21 Jan 2022
Version 2.0.1
  • Fixed - 'Free Text' custom fields would throw an error in the frontend.
17 Jan 2022
Version 2.0.0
  • Added - Compatibility with Joomla! 4.0
  • Added - Export transactions to CSV format.
  • Added - Can choose Joomla! Global Configuration Captcha as a Spam Protection option.
15 Jun 2021
Version 1.22.28
  • Fixed - Membership Custom Fields were being required by default in the backend if they had a validation rule.
19 Apr 2021
Version 1.22.27
  • Fixed - Adding Shared Content was not working.
  • Fixed - Some MooTools legacy code removed.
15 Apr 2021
Version 1.22.26
  • Fixed - Workaround for the Google Visualization API and MooTools conflict causing the 'Overview' and 'Reports' areas to show an error.
15 Mar 2021
Version 1.22.25
  • Fixed - In some cases renewing a 'Fixed Expiry' membership would calculate a date that has already passed.
28 Sep 2020
Version 1.22.24
  • Fixed - 'Radio' and 'Checkbox' fields were not showing up correctly.
  • Fixed - 'Calendar' field did not have the same height as other textbox fields.
24 Aug 2020
Version 1.22.23
  • Updated - The layout for every view has been updated using independent definitions to avoid further conflicts.
  • Updated - Added CSS selectors for each layout for easier customisation.
06 Aug 2020
Version 1.22.22
  • Fixed - Total was calculated incorrectly when membership price was set to 0 and extras were assigned.
04 May 2020
Version 1.22.21
  • Updated - 'Font' and 'Font Size' can be configured in 'Invoice Settings' and 'Membership - Invoice'.
  • Fixed - Unicode characters were not displayed correctly in the generated PDF.
28 Apr 2020
Version 1.22.20
  • Updated - Improved coupon discounts flow on one page checkouts.
  • Fixed - Some coupon related data was showing incorrectly on the {invoice_transaction_table}.
  • Fixed - The placeholder {discount_value} now returns the actual value when the amount of the discount is the same or larger than the membership's price.
  • Fixed - Percentage coupons could exceed 100% discount.
  • Fixed - Coupons could have negative values.
08 Apr 2020
Version 1.22.19
  • Updated - The invoice will now show the coupon (and discount) used.
06 Apr 2020
Version 1.22.18
  • Updated - The {transaction_hash} placeholder is now available when generating an invoice.
23 Mar 2020
Version 1.22.17
  • Fixed - The 'Gateway' was stored as blank for transactions.
02 Mar 2020
Version 1.22.16
  • Updated - When subscribing the Grand Total is recalculated after selecting a payment processor or different extras for the membership.
  • Fixed - An error was generated when using One Page Checkout Process.
25 Feb 2020
Version 1.22.15
  • Added - Ability to generate a PDF invoice when purchasing a membership.
  • Added - 'Show Subscriber's Transactions' menu item.
  • Updated - Taxes are shown in transaction details and on payment selections.
  • Fixed - Uninstalling RSMembership! would not remove all component tables.
  • Fixed - Uninstalling RSMembership! would not remove default plugins.
03 Jan 2020
Version 1.22.14
  • Fixed - Some PHP Warnings showed up when configuring a membership.
  • Fixed - 'Save' button no longer appears in the 'Show Subscriber's Account' menu if there are no fields published.
22 Jul 2019
Version 1.22.13
  • Fixed - Custom Field names are now filtered to prevent having spaces and non-alphanumeric characters in them.
15 May 2019
Version 1.22.12
  • Updated - Can now use {membership_id} and {subscription_id} in Expiry Emails.
03 May 2019
Version 1.22.11
  • Fixed - When exporting in CSV format unescaped user data could allow macros being run.
18 Mar 2019
Version 1.22.10
  • Fixed - {extras} placeholder would return incorrect values in Renewal, Upgrade and Approved emails.
  • Fixed - {extras} placeholder was not available in Denied emails.
25 Jan 2019
Version 1.22.9
  • Updated - Some menu items were not using the Page Heading parameter.
  • Fixed - 'Single Membership Layout' menu item could be saved without selecting an item.
  • Fixed - 'Terms and Conditions' menu item could be saved without selecting an item.
15 Nov 2018
Version 1.22.8
  • Added - Compatibility with the Privacy component.
  • Fixed - Removed the Updates screen since updates have been integrated with Joomla! for quite some time now.
07 Nov 2018
Version 1.22.7
  • Updated - Can now use the {price} placeholder in expiration emails.
27 Aug 2018
Version 1.22.6
  • Added - New option 'Send User Account Email' in Configuration.
  • Fixed - Duplicating a membership would not carry over the custom fields.
28 Jun 2018
Version 1.22.5
  • Fixed - In some cases an AJAX request would not be sent to the correct URL.
17 May 2018
Version 1.22.4
  • Fixed - Terms and conditions were enforced even if they were not configured.
  • Fixed - Terms and conditions were missing when adding a new extra.
  • Fixed - Extras were incorrectly added when renewing.
16 May 2018
Version 1.22.3
  • Fixed - Terms and conditions were not validated server-side for acceptance.
  • Fixed - Terms and conditions were not displayed correctly in the 'Renew' and 'Upgrade' layouts.
14 May 2018
Version 1.22.1
  • Fixed - Required checkboxes and radios would throw an error in the frontend.
09 May 2018
Version 1.22.0
  • Added - Data Protection options: Store IPs and Allow Self Anonymisation.
  • Added - Admins can anonymise user accounts manually upon request.
  • Added - Users can anonymise their accounts.
  • Added - Price formatting can be customized through decimals, decimals separator and thousands separator.
  • Updated - Code optimization.
  • Updated - Removed old CSS and JS declarations.
  • Updated - Replaced MooTools SqueezeBox with Bootstrap Modals throughout the admin area.
  • Updated - Replaced MooTools SqueezeBox with Magnific Popup throughout the frontend area.
  • Updated - Some routing changes for the frontend tasks.
  • Updated - The Show Subscriber's Memberships menu item now shows a message if there's no content on the page.
  • Updated - Delete, Publish and Unpublish toolbar buttons are now shown in the Shared Content area of Extra Values.
  • Updated - Frontend assets are now loaded from /media/com_rsmembership.
  • Updated - Moved 'Permissions' to 'Global Configuration'.
  • Fixed - Sorting memberships in 'Memberships - List Layout' did not work.
  • Fixed - In some cases a PHP Notice prevented Reports from loading.
  • Fixed - 'Renew in Advance' no longer appears when the membership never expires.
01 Nov 2017
Version 1.21.33
  • Updated - Some button styling in the Transactions area.
  • Updated - Category name now appears in the 'Subscriptions' area as well as in the exported CSV.
  • Fixed - Custom fields were updated to blank values in some cases.
  • Fixed - Pending transactions numbering in the frontend started from 0 instead of 1.
  • Fixed - When updating the component a notice would occur on newer versions of Joomla!
  • Fixed - Some membership options were renamed to avoid confusion.
09 Aug 2017
Version 1.21.32
  • Fixed - Editing a membership in the backend didn't look correctly.
29 Jun 2017
Version 1.21.31
  • Fixed - Removed some old Joomla! 2.5 files.
  • Fixed - Removed some old CSS declarations.
  • Fixed - Bootstrap CSS was not being forcefully loaded even if 'Load Bootstrap' was set to 'Yes'.
06 Jun 2017
Version 1.21.30
  • Fixed - Calendars in the Transactions area were showing a Javascript error in Joomla! 3.7.2.
16 May 2017
Version 1.21.29
  • Added - Option to 'Allow Renewal in Advance'.
18 Apr 2017
Version 1.21.28
  • Fixed - Email validation will now accept more formats when subscribing.
04 Jan 2017
Version 1.21.27
  • Updated - Shared Content can be published or deleted in bulk.
03 Oct 2016
Version 1.21.26
  • Fixed - Username spaces were not being trimmed.
  • Fixed - Permissions were not being saved correctly due to Joomla! changes since 3.6.0.
09 Aug 2016
Version 1.21.25
  • Fixed - Notified date was not recorded correctly.
14 Jun 2016
Version 1.21.24
  • Fixed - Not all Membership Extras were displayed in the frontend.
31 May 2016
Version 1.21.23
  • Fixed - 'Subscribers' area was loading all data into memory, reaching memory_limit on websites with large amounts of subscribers.
  • Fixed - 'Subscriptions' area was loading all data into memory, reaching memory_limit on websites with large amounts of subscriptions.
30 May 2016
Version 1.21.22
  • Fixed - Subscribers 'Active' and 'Total subscriptions' were being incorrectly calculated.
  • Fixed - In some cases email sending would fail (due to JMail changes in Joomla! 3.5.1).
  • Fixed - When sending emails would fail, Expiry Notification emails were sent repeatedly.
  • Fixed - Subscriber Custom Fields were being displayed regardless of 'Show in Subscribers area' option.
19 May 2016
Version 1.21.21
  • Fixed - Subscribers 'Active' and 'Total subscriptions' columns were exported in the wrong order.
11 Mar 2016
Version 1.21.20
  • Fixed - Dashboard could no longer be accessed when a gateway had invalid characters in its name.
02 Mar 2016
Version 1.21.19
  • Updated - {category} placeholder can now be used to display the membership's category in emails.
22 Feb 2016
Version 1.21.18
  • Fixed - Invalid extra selections in the database would throw an error on the My Membership page.
15 Feb 2016
Version 1.21.17
  • Fixed - Unpublished extra values were still showing up when renewing.
29 Jan 2016
Version 1.21.16
  • Added - Added 'Date and Time Format' for the Calendar type custom field.
21 Jan 2016
Version 1.21.15
  • Added - 'Allow re-subscribing with the same email address' option in Configuration.
  • Fixed - Unique memberships could still be subscribed to if the visitor was not logged in.
08 Jan 2016
Version 1.21.14
  • Fixed - Built-in Captcha could not be validated due to Joomla! session changes.
24 Nov 2015
Version 1.21.13
  • Fixed - Coupon codes must be unique.
  • Fixed - Coupon start and end dates were not saved according to configured timezone.
  • Fixed - Incorrect line endings in some files might have caused issues on particular servers.
25 Sep 2015
Version 1.21.12
  • Updated - No longer requires patching Joomla! module file starting from Joomla! 3.4.1
  • Updated - No longer requires patching Joomla! menu file.
  • Updated - Dashboard layout improvements.
12 Aug 2015
Version 1.21.11
  • Added - Updates will now show up in the Joomla! Update section.
  • Fixed - In the backend, saving a subscriber would strip all HTML codes from the custom fields.
15 Jul 2015
Version 1.21.10
  • Fixed - The username now can contain UTF-8 characters.
24 Jun 2015
Version 1.21.9
  • Fixed - Emails Footer was showing HTML even if email was plain text.
27 May 2015
Version 1.21.8
  • Updated - 'Extras' are now displayed in the 'Subscriptions' area.
  • Updated - 'Extras' are now included in the .csv file when exporting from the 'Subscriptions' area.
  • Updated - 'Subscribers' area now shows 'Subscriptions (Active)' and 'Subscriptions (Total)' per each user.
  • Updated - 'Active' and 'Total Subscriptions' are now included in the .csv file when exporting from the 'Subscribers' area.
  • Fixed - Clicking on the 'Shared Content' button was not displaying the popup modal when no editor buttons were present.
05 May 2015
Version 1.21.7
  • Updated - Now using the configured Joomla! Temp Folder to temporarily store exported CSV files.
  • Updated - Better error handling when exporting a CSV.
  • Fixed - If no subscriptions were present, exporting a CSV would result in a downloadable empty file instead of an error.
27 Apr 2015
Version 1.21.6
  • Fixed - Worked around issues that caused a Fatal Error when using the 'System - Helix Framework' plugin.
  • Fixed - A Notice was being thrown on the Extras tab when editing a membership that had no Membership Extras assigned.
04 Mar 2015
Version 1.21.5
  • Added - Support for the new Google reCAPTCHA.
  • Updated - Re-arranged 'CAPTCHA' in the Configuration section and renamed it to 'Spam Protection'.
  • Fixed - Membership Extras were not showing up correctly when adding a membership to a subscriber.
  • Fixed - If reCAPTCHA (Legacy) was not configured, the error message appeared incorrectly in the frontend.
03 Mar 2015
Version 1.21.4
  • Fixed - The backend sidebar on Joomla! 3.4 was not showing correctly.
23 Feb 2015
Version 1.21.3
  • Fixed - Adding a subscription to an existing user did not allow for decimals in the 'Price' field.
19 Feb 2015
Version 1.21.2
  • Fixed - No longer using a workaround to activate the user in Community Builder - extensions should use the default Joomla! 'onUserAfterSave()' trigger.
23 Jan 2015
Version 1.21.1
  • Fixed - The 'Coupon' field no longer appears if there are no available coupons for the current membership.
  • Fixed - During installation the component no longer defaults to creating tables using the 'MyISAM' engine.
13 Jan 2015
Version 1.21.0
  • Added - 'System Logs' area where (for now) Expiry and User Type Change events will show up. More to be added in future versions.
  • Updated - 'Membership Length' & 'Trial Length' default to 'Days' instead of 'Hours'.
  • Updated - 'Delete pending transactions after' defaults to 168 hours now.
  • Fixed - Changed some <input> buttons to proper <button> tags.
  • Fixed - 'Super User' groups can no longer be selected in 'Stock & Activation'.
  • Fixed - Expiry notifications would still be sent to unpublished subscriptions.
  • Fixed - When only Expiry Admin Emails were set, these would be sent in a continuous loop.
05 Dec 2014
Version 1.20.28
  • Fixed - Non-recurring free trial memberships no longer redirect to the Payment Gateway.
18 Nov 2014
Version 1.20.27
  • Added - Content Plugins can be triggered on descriptions (must be enabled from Configuration).
17 Oct 2014
Version 1.20.26
  • Fixed - Menu item 'Page Heading' parameter wasn't taken into account.
13 Oct 2014
Version 1.20.25
  • Fixed - The '@' character was getting stripped from the username.
10 Oct 2014
Version 1.20.24
  • Updated - "Export CSV" now exports data based on filters set.
  • Fixed - "Subscriptions" were always filtered by status on Joomla! 2.5
11 Sep 2014
Version 1.20.23
  • Fixed - Subscriptions "Export CSV" wasn't working correctly when filter was active.
  • Fixed - PHP Warning is no longer shown when the CSV is empty.
08 Sep 2014
Version 1.20.22
  • Updated - PayPal Plugin now provides a transaction hash when using "Manual" activation.
  • Fixed - Classes can now be added in the "Additional Attributes" area.
  • Fixed - Hardcoded styling (5px margin-right) removed from checkboxes and radios.
  • Fixed - "Membership Custom Fields" require a transaction - thus they are now hidden when the administrator manually assigns a membership.
26 Aug 2014
Version 1.20.21
  • Fixed - Reverted a "feature" added in 2010 that allowed memberships to be upgraded even if they were expired.
20 Aug 2014
Version 1.20.20
  • Added - Joomla! permissions can now be set in the "Configuration" area.
  • Updated - Merged the "Configuration" "Other" tab into the "General" tab.
23 Jul 2014
Version 1.20.19
  • Fixed - Free memberships were not activated automatically when setting "Activation" to "Automatic"
25 Jun 2014
Version 1.20.18
  • Added - Placeholders in the "Denied Email": {price}, {coupon}, {payment}, {transaction_id}.
  • Added - Placeholder in the "Approved Email": {price}.
  • Fixed - Membership Custom Fields were not showing up in the "Denied Email".
  • Fixed - Modal window was opening twice after adding "Shared Content" a second time.
  • Fixed - HTML chars were not escaped when displaying "Shared Content" in the membership editing area.
10 Jun 2014
Version 1.20.17
  • Fixed - Manual activation for free memberships did not work correctly.
05 Jun 2014
Version 1.20.16
  • Fixed - Trigger being used incorrectly when canceling a membership.
04 Jun 2014
Version 1.20.15
  • Fixed - Issue when changing membership fixed expiry to length.
20 May 2014
Version 1.20.14
  • Fixed - On Joomla! 2.5.x jQuery wasn't being used in noConflict() mode.
09 May 2014
Version 1.20.13
  • Fixed - Sorting by custom fields in the Subscribers area didn't work.
05 May 2014
Version 1.20.12
  • Fixed - Workaround for Joomla! 3.3.0 no longer loading core.js by default.
23 Apr 2014
Version 1.20.11
  • Updated - Multiple email addresses can be specified (comma separated) in the "Administrator's Email".
  • Fixed - Validation rules were triggered incorrectly if the field wasn't set as "Required".
  • Fixed - Payment options were showing up on completely free memberships.
15 Apr 2014
Version 1.20.10
  • Updated - Display custom membership fields placeholders for the Subscriber and Admin Emails.
  • Updated - Transaction search now includes Transaction ID and Hash.
  • Fixed - Administrators couldn't edit hidden membership fields.
  • Fixed - Hidden fields were taking up space in the frontend.
15 Apr 2014
Version 1.20.9
  • Fixed - A custom trigger was causing issues with the RSMail! integration.
11 Apr 2014
Version 1.20.8
  • Fixed - A custom trigger was used incorrectly.
  • Fixed - Membership custom fields couldn't be re-ordered in Joomla! 3.x
02 Apr 2014
Version 1.20.7
  • Fixed - Further fixes to the membership fixed expiry dates calculation.
01 Apr 2014
Version 1.20.6
  • Fixed - Membership fixed expiry dates were not calculated correctly.
27 Mar 2014
Version 1.20.5
  • Fixed - Membership custom fields weren't ordered correctly in the backend.
21 Mar 2014
Version 1.20.4
  • Updated - Membership custom fields can now be edited when renewing.
  • Updated - Subscriber custom fields can now be edited when renewing or upgrading.
  • Fixed - Membership custom fields weren't being grabbed correctly on "Approved Emails".
18 Mar 2014
Version 1.20.3
  • Fixed - File and folder info wasn't being grabbed from the db.
17 Mar 2014
Version 1.20.2
  • Fixed - The character @ wasn't accepted when choosing a username.
  • Fixed - Checkboxes and radio groups were not displayed properly in the "Membership Information" tab.
  • Fixed - Checkboxes weren't saved when explicitly unchecking all values.
13 Mar 2014
Version 1.20.1
  • Fixed - Payment options weren't showing up with free trial memberships.
  • Fixed - When using a case sensitive CAPTCHA this wasn't being reflected in the label.
12 Mar 2014
Version 1.20.0
  • Updated - The Subscribers area has been improved.
  • Updated - Custom fields can now be shown in the Subscribers area.
  • Updated - View when a subscription has been notified prior to expiration.
  • Updated - Resend the expiration notification email.
  • Updated - {membership_from} placeholder for Upgrade emails.
  • Added - Recurring payments can be limited to a certain number.
  • Added - Administrator emails can now have a different 'From' email address.
  • Added - Usernames can now be created by using the full email address.
  • Added - (Administrator) Transactions can now be individually viewed.
  • Added - Custom fields can now be added per each membership.
  • Added - A footer can be appended to each email RSMembership! sends out.
  • Added - A new Subscriptions area that lists all your website's subscriptions.
  • Added - CSV export for the Subscribers and Subscriptions areas.
  • Added - Report - Sales.
  • Fixed - When a new user is created the 'Notification Mail to Administrators' Users Configuration setting is taken into account.
  • Fixed - Accounts are no longer disabled if the user has active subscriptions.
  • Fixed - jQuery wasn't loaded with the bundled version of Bootstrap.
12 Mar 2013
Switched to new version mode.
14 Nov 2013
Rev 19 - Joomla! 2.5 & 3.x only
  • Added - {rsmembership} placeholder in order to display content only for subscribers.
  • Added - Shared Content is now being stored in the Access Logs.
  • Fixed - PHP 5.4.x fix - please update your Payment Plugins as well.
  • Fixed - Expiration emails were triggered incorrectly.
05 Nov 2013
Rev 18 - Joomla! 2.5 & 3.x only
  • Updated - Improved front-end design.
  • Updated - Reports integrated with Google API.
  • Updated - Adding Extra in "Subscribe" View.
  • Updated - Display category description.
  • Updated - Show "Cancel Subscription" button in "My Membership" Menu Item.
  • Updated - Ability to unpublish Wire Payments.
  • Updated - Available placeholders are now shown in the Membership editing screen.
  • Updated - Renewal cost shown before clicking Renew in "My Membership" Menu Item.
  • Added - Joomla! 3.x compatibility
  • Fixed - Removed {buy} placeholder, the Subscribe link is now available by default.
  • Fixed - Adding Extras in "My Membership" Menu Item.
14 Jun 2012
Rev 17 fix 1
  • Added - New placeholders in Approved email: {membership_start} and {membership_end}
23 Jun 2011
Rev 17
  • Updated - Joomla! 1.6 compatibility
  • Updated - Optimized background functions to use less resources
  • Updated - Improved customer experience by re-designing the subscription pages
  • Updated - Terms & Conditions are now shown just above the "Next" button
  • Updated - Terms & Conditions are now shown when renewing as well
  • Updated - Wire Transfer plugin; you can now add more offline payment types
  • Added - RSMail! integration
  • Added - Reports (view graphs about transactions and memberships sold)
  • Added - Ability to switch from Multi-page Checkout (current) to One Page Checkout
  • Added - Administrator Emails: Subscribe, Approved, Renewal, Upgrade, New Extra Added, Expiration Notify
  • Added - Attachments can now be added to all subscriber email types
  • Added - Custom code can now be called when the transaction is approved (payment is made)
  • Added - Allow customers to choose their password when subscribing
  • Added - Ability to deny transactions
  • Added - A payment log has been added to transactions in order to properly debug the payment gateway's response
  • Added - Ability to add Hidden fields when configuring Custom Fields
  • Added - Select to use Joomla! Global Configuration when sending out emails
  • Fixed - Transaction search now allows all characters
  • Fixed - Improved membership copy function to use less resources
  • Fixed - Configuration - currency must have a value
26 Jan 2011
Rev 16
  • Updated - Optimized configuration reading and caching
  • Updated - Refactored the shared content code to use less resources
  • Updated - Usability improvements
  • Updated - Shared Content now uses a plugin system so other developers can create their own plugins
  • Added - Authorize.Net Payment Plugin
  • Added - Multiple coupon options
  • Added - Custom field validations (alpha, alphanumeric, numeric, email and website)
  • Added - iDevAffiliate integration
  • Added - Restrict K2 items, categories and user blogs
  • Added - Restrict FlexiContent items and categories
  • Added - Restrict ZOO items, categories and applications
  • Added - Fixed expiry date
  • Added - Filter transactions by type, gateway and date range
  • Added - {stock} placeholder to show amount of available memberships
  • Added - New parameters for the RSMembership! default layout - configure how many columns to show and what buttons
  • Added - Renewal price is displayed when purchasing a membership
  • Fixed - Trial price was not showing correctly
  • Fixed - Javascript error on IE in the Subscribers screen
  • Fixed - Shared content article search was broken
  • Fixed - Internal notes were not being saved when using an editor
11 Nov 2010
Rev 15
  • Added - Ability to enable or disable changing user type when subscribing to a membership
  • Fixed - User creation bypassing user activation option
  • Fixed - Table tag ending prematurely in the default RSMembership! layout
03 Nov 2010
Rev 14
  • Added - Ability to disable the user account when the membership is canceled/expires
  • Added - Ability to upgrade/downgrade user accounts based on membership purchased
  • Added - Built-in CAPTCHA and ReCAPTCHA support for unregistered and/or registered users
  • Added - Allow customers to choose their username when subscribing
  • Added - Send an email to the subscriber when his membership is approved (either by the payment processor or an administrator)
  • Fixed - Configuration tabs now retain the position when saving
  • Fixed - When saving a membership the category filter is no longer automatically active
  • Fixed - Menu patch showing a deprecated error in PHP 5
06 Sep 2010
Rev 13
  • Updated - Expired memberships can now be also upgraded
  • Added - Expiration notification emails
  • Added - Trial settings: unique membership and no renewals
  • Fixed - Deleted memberships no longer show up in transactions
16 Aug 2010
Rev 12
  • Updated - Joom!Fish content elements
  • Added - Restrict access to modules and menus
  • Added - Membership categories
  • Fixed - SQL error when showing published/unpublished custom fields
09 Jun 2010
Rev 11
  • Added - Unlimited custom fields (customizable registration)
  • Added - Checkbox for Terms & Conditions
  • Added - Terms & Conditions now open in modal windows
  • Added - You can show "Membership purchase on date" or the actual membership's name in the purchase
  • Added - Cancelled Payment URL for the PayPal Plugin
  • Added - Ability to either show the "Free" text or "0" for zero-cost memberships
  • Added - Ability to change "Price Format" in Configuration
  • Added - Default Layout now shows "Subscribe" as a link instead of plain text
  • Added - The user will now be prompted when multiple upgrade choices are available
  • Fixed - Transaction tax on the 2Checkout Payment Plugin
  • Fixed - With each upgrade the user's expiration date is adjusted accordingly
  • Fixed - Bug with Thank You message showing PHP notices
  • Fixed - Thank You message now correctly parses placeholders
  • Fixed - Zero-cost memberships no longer require the user to select a payment method
  • Fixed - No longer showing unpublished upgrades in the frontend
  • Fixed - Prices are now shown with decimals
  • Fixed - Buttons that use AJAX are now disabled after being clicked to avoid duplicate actions
  • Fixed - Bug with Shared Content showing PHP notices
09 Mar 2010
Rev 10
  • Added - Payment plugins can now set a percent or fixed tax on the transaction
  • Added - Ability to override the default Joomla! registration
  • Added - Language files for plugins
  • Fixed - PayPal recurring payments
13 Jan 2010
Rev 9
  • Added - New user email texts are now configured in the RSMembership! language file
  • Added - Shared content for extra values
  • Added - New screen for adding extra values
  • Added - Extra values can now be checked/selected by default
  • Fixed - Backend shared content messages
15 Dec 2009
Rev 8
  • Fixed - Using JSession instead of mainframe to store session data, for increased compatiblity
  • Fixed - Shared content bug
  • Fixed - Thumbnail is now copied correctly when duplicating a membership
25 Nov 2009
Rev 7
  • Added - "My Account" menu item
  • Fixed - com_content was ignored if added as a Shared URL
24 Nov 2009
Rev 6
  • Fixed - Rewrote the code that checks for permissions
  • Fixed - Sending emails
17 Nov 2009
Rev 5
  • Fixed - Save order issue
16 Nov 2009
Rev 4
  • Added - One more placeholder for emails: {extras}
  • Added - Default text for the Thank You message
  • Added - The "Enabled" column in "Users" page
  • Fixed - Membership extras that are added later now take into account if they're multiple or not
  • Fixed - Multiple extras not being added in the admin
  • Fixed - Currency was ignored when creating a new membership
  • Fixed - The correct com_user language file wasn't loaded during user creation
13 Nov 2009
Rev 3
  • Added - JomSocial application
  • Added - Search by membership status
  • Added - More parameters for the "My Memberships" menu item
  • Added - Back buttons for the Shared Content screen
  • Added - You can use wildcards in your URL
  • Fixed - Publish or unpublish shared content
  • Fixed - Clicking on an email in transactions will redirect you to the user
28 Oct 2009
Rev 2
  • Added - Share more content: articles, categories, sections and custom urls
  • Added - Choose when to create the Joomla! user - either when the order is placed or when payment is done
  • Added - Show or hide the login form
  • Added - Ability to duplicate a membership
  • Added - Membership terms & conditions
  • Added - Terms & conditions in the frontend
  • Added - You can use { rsmembership-subscribe 1} in any place of your website to show the subscribing link for membership Id = 1
  • Fixed - Document title is now changed when accessing the membership details
  • Fixed - Deleting a membership does not leave behind references
  • Fixed - If the total cost is 0, when subscribing, no payment options are shown

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