Upload does not work

If uploading doesn't work, please check the following possible causes and solutions.

Check your PHP, MySQL and GD versions

It's easy to check if you meet the minimum requirements. You can do it manually by logging into the backend and going to Site > System Information. "Database Version" and "PHP Version" are the rows you need to check - make sure both are above 5.0.

Make sure the folders are writable

RSMediaGallery! needs the following folders to be writable (755 permissions should be sufficient, but some servers require 777, even though it's definitely not recommended):

  • /components/com_rsmediagallery/assets/gallery - this folder is used to place all the different resolution thumbs
  • /components/com_rsmediagallery/assets/gallery/original - this folder is used to place the original images

When you install the RSMediaGallery! component it will check if these folders are writable and notify you on the installation screen.

Make sure you are uploading images using a modern browser

Uploading has been designed to work with the latest versions of each major browser (at the time of writing - Internet Explorer 9, Mozilla Firefox 12, Google Chrome 19, Apple Safari 5), regardless of platform (Windows, Mac, Unix). Older browsers have limited support (for example, Internet Explorer 7 works but it's very laggy and might throw javascript errors) so we strongly recommend using an up-to-date web browser.

Make sure your PHP temporary directory is set (upload_tmp_dir) and that uploads do work on your server (file_uploads)

Due to some restrictions in your php.ini configuration, the temporary directory (upload_tmp_dir) might not be set. It would be better to test if uploads are working for you in other areas - for example installing extensions. Another php.ini variable is "file_uploads" with should be set to "On". Check with your hosting provider for more details.

Make sure upload_max_filesize is enough to cover the uploaded file's size

If you are uploading big images (> 1 MB), you might have some restrictions in your server's php.ini. Look for the following directives and make sure they contain proper values (they should be bigger than the file you are trying to upload): upload_max_filesize (maximum uploaded file size), max_execution_time (the maximum allowed time for the script to run - larger images require more time uploading), post_max_size (should be at least equal to upload_max_filesize)

How do I check if my php.ini variables have the right values?

Log into your Joomla! administrator section, go to Site > System Information and click on the PHP Information tab. You will have to search (CTRL+F) for the variables on that page and see what values are set.

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