Manually uninstalling RSMatias!

If for some reason the automatic uninstall process fails, follow these steps to manually remove RSMatias! from your Joomla! installation:

Delete RSMatias! Files
  • Locate your Joomla!/templates/ folder. Delete the folder named rsmatias.
  • Locate your Joomla!/plugins/editors-xtd/ folder. Delete the sub-folder named rstemplate_shortcode.
  • Locate your Joomla!/plugins/system/ folder. Delete the folder named rstemplate.
Delete RSMatias! from database
  • Connect to your MySQL database (for example, if your Joomla! database prefix is "jos") and:
  • browse the jos_template_styles table. Delete all records that have the value rsmatias in the template column. For instance, use this SQL script:

    DELETE FROM `jos_template_styles` WHERE `template`='rsmatias'
  • browse the jos_extensions table. Delete all records that have the value rsmatias in the element column. For instance, use this SQL script:

    DELETE FROM `jos_extensions` WHERE `element`='rsmatias' OR `element`='rstemplate' OR `element`='pkg_rsmatias' OR `element`='rstemplate_shortcode'

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