RSMail! - Joomla! Content

The RSMail! - Joomla! Content plugin allows you to import the content of your email messages directly from within your Joomla! articles via a few simple clicks.

Once the plugin has been installed and enabled, you will notice that within the Placeholders (RSMail! > Messages > New/Edit > Placeholders button (located on the top right corner) area a new option has been added: Joomla! Content.

The displayed listing will contain all your articles. Clicking on a one of the title, content, creation date, author columns will add a specific placeholder within the message body. Once the message will be sent, the placeholder will be replaced with selected content.

Placeholders will look similar to this: [articletext:38]. Explanations:

  • article: identifies the location of the content. In this case, Joomla! standard articles.
  • text: the portion of the article. In this case, the body of the article.
  • 38: the article id.

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