Editing a field

In this article we will describe how to edit a field.

In the "Form Fields" area you are able to rearrange the position of any field by pressing the green arrows bellow  "Order", and also choose if you want the field to be displayed in the form by pressing the button bellow "Publish".

In order to edit a field setting just click on the corresponding field id. The setting area will open. Here you will be able to edit any setting previously created.

A summary of the editable settings:

Field id: This is the field identifier. Use only letters for this. No spaces or other special characters;

Fields Title: This is the field Caption;

Description: Here you can insert additional info explaining the field. I will come out in the right side of the field;

Validation: Validation rule for your field if any;

Field Type: The type of the field can be one of these: text, password, radio, checkbox, calendar, textarea, select, button, image button, submit button, reset button, file upload, hidden, free text, ticket number, captcha (anti-spam tool)

Default value: This is the default value

        - for a textarea field just the type the desired text
        - for a radio button If you want a default selected Radio, add {checked} after the value of the radio like this: radio1|First Description,radio2{checked}|Second Description,radio3|Third Description
        - for a checkbox field: add {checked} after the value of the Checkbox like this: check1{checked}|First Description,check2{checked}|SecondDescription, check3|Third Description

You can find a detailed description on each fields on the right side of your field settings, in the "Field Notes".

Additional attributes:  You can add here additional field attributes such as style="width:100%;" or onclick="doSomething();"

Field Style: You can alter the default form field style (this requires some html knowledge)

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