Plugin - Digital Signature (Add a signature field to your form)

RSForm!Pro Signature Plugin

This RSForm!Pro Signature Plugin is commercial and needs to be purchased separately. You can buy it by accessing Customer Area > My memberships > Active Memberships > clicking the 'Buy Extra Plugins' button of your RSForm!Pro license. Also note that your account needs to hold an active RSForm!Pro subscription.

The Digital Signature Plugin functionality can be tested on our demo server. Please click on the following button in order to access the demo form:

See it in action

The RSForm!Pro Signature Plugin is a plugin that once installed and enabled will allow you to add a digital signature field to your form.

Downloading and Installing the plugin

You can download the plugin by logging with your purchase user, then heading to Downloads > Paid Downloads > RSForm!Pro > Modules & Plugins > "Signature Plugin x.x".


In the backend of your Joomla! installation go to the Extensions > Install/Uninstall page, and install the plugin. Next thing is to publish the plugin, to do this go to Plugin Manager, search for the "System RSForm!Pro Signature" plugin and publish it.

How to use the Signature plugin
  • Install and enable the RSForm!Pro Signature plugin
  • Head to Components > RSForm!Pro > Manage Forms > Select your form
  • Click on Signature field in the left sidebar
  • Add a name and a label for the field
  • Save and Close

  • Head to the frontend area of your website
  • Complete the form and use the signature field in order to add your signature

  • Head to Components > RSForm!Pro > Manage Forms > Select your form > Submissions > Choose which columns to show > check all
  • Check your most recent submission for any signature image

Available placeholders

For Signature field are available the following placeholders:

Placeholder name Description
{field_name:caption} this placeholder is used in order to retrieve the field's label
{field_name:signature} this placeholder is used in order to retrieve the signature image
{field_name:signature_image} Base64 encoded images are not accepted by Gmail, thus this placeholder will also retrieve the signature image and will ensure a proper functionality with all email clients.
{field_name:signature_url} this placeholder is used in order to retrieve the signature image URL when used within <img> tag, for example: <img src="{field_name:signature_url}" />

Note: You can use the above-mentioned placeholders in the Submissions front-end listings, Thank You message, Email messages and also in the PDF Attachment (the value field_name should be replaced with the actual name of the field).

27 May 2024
Version 3.1.4
  • Updated - Support for 'Preview Field' functionality.
04 Mar 2024
Version 3.1.3
  • Added - Joomla! 5 native compatibility - no longer needs the 'Behaviour - Backward Compatibility' plugin.
03 Mar 2023
Version 3.1.2
  • Updated - The 'Signature' field can be now edited in the frontend using the Submission Directory.
09 Feb 2023
Version 3.1.1
  • Updated - Signature images in the backend now have a 'rsfp-signature-image' class.
  • Fixed - When exporting the PDF in the backend the signature is now shown as an image instead of the base64 encoded text.
12 Jul 2022
Version 3.1.0
  • Updated - 'Signature Field' will now be placed in the 'Advanced Form Fields' group.
09 Jun 2021
Version 3.0.0
  • Updated - Joomla! 4.0 and RSForm! Pro 3.0 compatibility.
24 Mar 2021
Version 2.0.4
  • Fixed - Pagination could interfere with the signature.
21 Oct 2020
Version 2.0.3
  • Added - {:signature_url} placeholder.
12 Feb 2020
Version 2.0.2
  • Updated - jSignature library updated to 2.1.3 (resolved some issues with newer mobile browsers).
11 Feb 2020
Version 2.0.1
  • Fixed - Focus is now lost after drawing to prevent scrolling the screen to another field.
13 Jan 2020
Version 2.0.0
  • Updated - Bumped minimum requirements to use Joomla! 3.7.0 and RSForm! Pro 2.3.3
  • Updated - Rewrote Signature field to use the newer RSFormProField class.
  • Updated - Code and speed improvements.
  • Fixed - Label 'for' attribute was not generated correctly.
17 Apr 2018
Version 1.53.2
  • Updated - Code improvements.
  • Updated - Moved assets to the /media folder.
  • Updated - Bumped minimum requirements to RSForm! Pro 1.51.12 and Joomla! 2.5.28
  • Fixed - The signature was not working correctly when present multiple times on the page.
06 Jul 2016
Version 1.51.0
  • Added - Joomla! automatic updates support.
  • Updated - Bumped minimum requirements to RSForm! Pro 1.51.0 and Joomla! 2.5.28
  • Fixed - Uninstalling the plugin would not remove the tables.
  • Fixed - PHP 7 compatibility.
09 Jun 2016
Initial Release

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