Error building admin menus

I receive this error when i try to install RSform!Pro: Error building admin menus

This is actually a common issue reported by Joomla! 1.6/1.7/2.5 users, and directly relates to the com_installer component (built in Joomla! component that handles installs) then to RSform!Pro.

The component actually installs properly, but the back-end access menu items are not published. This can be easily resolved by following the below steps:

  1. Access a sample form via its directly URL:
  2. Head to the Scripts tab, and add the following code in the Scripts called on form display area:
      $db = JFactory::getDBO();
      $db->setQuery("SELECT extension_id FROM #__extensions WHERE `element`='com_rsform'
      AND `type`='component'");
      $db->setQuery("UPDATE #__menu SET component_id='".$db->loadResult()."' WHERE 
      id > 1 AND component_id=0 AND `type`='component' AND `link` LIKE 
  3. After you have clicked the Apply button (located on the top right corner), simply click on the Preview button to open the form in the front-end area. This will basically allow the script to run.

The script only needs to run once, so after you have clicked on the Preview button you can erase the script and save the changes.

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