How to generate a Google Web Risk API key

In this tutorial we will explain how you can get a Google Web Risk API key used in the RSFirewall! System Check to find out if your website is blocklisted or not on Google Web Risk lists.

Note: Web Risk is in beta and you'll need to firstly sign-up for it here:


2. Login using your Google account and Create a new Project, unless you already have one created. Add a project name and click on the "Create" button (wait a few moments after you click the create button to load your project, otherwise you can manually select it).

3. Select API Library.


4. Search for the "Web Risk API", access it and click on the Enable button.

5. Next click on Credentials from the left panel.

6. Select the Create credentials drop-down, then choose API key.


7. Copy the provided key and paste it via backend > RSFirewall! > Configuration > System Check > "Google Web Risk API Key - Server Key" field.

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