There was an error uploading this file to the server

The recent release of RSFirewall! ver. 2.7.0 marked an increase in the component installation package's size to over 2 MB. This might cause problems when installing / updating the component, as most hosting providers configure their servers to only allow a maximum of 2 MB uploads per file. If you're getting the error message form the image below:

Please try the following:

  • Add a php.ini file in your website's root containing the following line:

    upload_max_filesize = 8M

    If your server supports taking into account local php.ini files, this will set a maximum allowed size of 8MB for uploaded files.

  • Contact your hosting service provider and ask for an increase of the file upload size of 8 MB.
  • Upload the package contents (you can get them by unzipping the package) via FTP and install the component through the Extensions >> Extension Manager >> Install from Directory feature:

Your current PHP settings can be found by going to System > System Information > PHP Information and searching for upload_max_filesize in that screen.

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