RSFiles! Changelog

02 Jul 2024
Version 1.17.6
  • Added - Option to calculate the SHA1 checksum of files.
  • Updated - Magnific Popup updated to v1.2.0
  • Fixed - A 404 Not Found request to locale.json was showing up when previewing a PDF file.
14 Jun 2024
Version 1.17.5
  • Added - Added the PDF.js library for previewing PDF files.
03 Jun 2024
Version 1.17.4
  • Fixed - Files bookmarked in the briefcase could not be downloaded.
29 May 2024
Version 1.17.3
  • Added - File rating system.
  • Added - Set individual changelog per file.
  • Added - New download method: password protected files.
  • Added - Cron logs.
  • Fixed - The tags view didn't have the option to set the layout to columns.
08 Nov 2023
Version 1.17.2
  • Added - Native support for Joomla! 5.
23 Oct 2023
Version 1.17.1
  • Fixed - When using a subfolder as a download folder in the menu item, the bookmarks were not working correctly.
17 Oct 2023
Version 1.17.0
  • Added - Make files/folders available for selected languages.
  • Added - Tags module.
  • Fixed - Miscellaneous code improvements.
13 Oct 2022
Version 1.16.29
  • Added - Rename local files.
  • Added - Smart Search plugin.
  • Fixed - Miscellaneous code improvements.
03 Mar 2022
Version 1.16.28
  • Added - Move files between folders.
  • Added - New column layout for menu items.
14 Jun 2021
Version 1.16.27
  • Upgraded - The search functionality has been improved for users with a large file set.
12 May 2021
Version 1.16.26
  • Fixed - When using the search function, the "RSFiles! Folder Content Viewer" module was not displayed correctly.
22 Jan 2021
Version 1.16.25
  • Fixed - Recursive batch was not working properly.
28 Dec 2020
Version 1.16.24
  • Fixed - File preview was not working correctly in the briefcase area.
12 Nov 2020
Version 1.16.23
  • Added - Option to disable files count from frontend.
  • Upgraded - Improved files display in backend.
5 Nov 2020
Version 1.16.22
  • Added - Joomla! 4 compatibility.
  • Added - Option to cache folders and files for a better page loading time.
  • Fixed - Miscellaneous code improvements.
15 Sep 2020
Version 1.16.21
  • Fixed - Folder description was not working correctly in the briefcase.
06 May 2020
Version 1.16.20
  • Fixed - Uploading files in the briefcase for some users was not working correctly in the frontend.
30 Apr 2020
Version 1.16.19
  • Fixed - Uploading files for some users was not working correctly in the frontend.
28 Apr 2020
Version 1.16.18
  • Added - All RSFiles! tables are now utf8mb4.
  • Added - Restrict upload options for users that belong to a group.
  • Upgraded - Redone the file statistics, and added a new option to keep statistics for deleted files.
7 Apr 2020
Version 1.16.17
  • Fixed - The preview file for briecase files was not showing correctly.
  • Fixed - Bookmarking a briecase file was not working anymore.
24 Mar 2020
Version 1.16.16
  • Fixed - The license modal from the default files listing was not working.
02 Dec 2019
Version 1.16.15
  • Added - Admin email for briefcase files.
  • Added - Export file statistics to CSV.
  • Fixed - XSS vulnerability.
23 Sep 2019
Version 1.16.14
  • Fixed - The editor plugin was not working correctly when using multiple editors.
16 Sep 2019
Version 1.16.13
  • Fixed - Set multiple recipients for the admin, upload and report emails.
25 Jun 2019
Version 1.16.12
  • Added - Drag & Drop files.
  • Added - New options for files in the cron area.
  • Added - Added direct download option to the 'Folder Content Viewer' module.
  • Added - Improved bookmark functionality.
  • Fixed - Media preview on external files was not working.
31 May 2019
Version 1.16.11
  • Fixed - The tags menu item was not working correctly.
17 May 2019
Version 1.16.10
  • Fixed - The briecase folder name was not set correctly.
22 Aug 2018
Version 1.16.9
  • Added - File extension icon.
  • Added - Add tags to files.
  • Added - Recursive batch for files.
  • Fixed - Code optimizations.
24 Mar 2018
Version 1.16.8
  • Added - Option to store users IP address.
  • Added - Require consent when submitting forms.
03 Mar 2018
Version 1.16.7
  • Fixed - The file link from the briefcase upload email was pointing to a wrong URL.
13 Feb 2018
Version 1.16.6
  • Added - Choose the modal script to be used.
  • Added - Referer to the file statistics.
  • Added - FontAwesome icons.
  • Added - Order files in the Media module.
  • Added - Hide the poster in the Media module for audio files.
  • Fixed - Refactored code.
13 Sep 2017
Version 1.16.5
  • Fixed - When previewing PDF files, the filename would show up as 'Preview' when downloaded.
28 Aug 2017
Version 1.16.4
  • Fixed - Files outside of the root could be downloaded using the bookmark option.
24 Aug 2017
Version 1.16.3
  • Added - All MooTools modals were converted to the Bootstrap modal.
  • Added - Search in briefcase folder.
  • Added - Order files from the briefcase.
  • Added - Briefcase navigation.
18 May 2017
Version 1.16.2
  • Fixed - You couldn't delete the bookmarks from the briefcase folder.
10 Feb 2017
Version 1.16.1
  • Fixed - Batch process was resetting the 'Date added' field on files uploaded via FTP.
18 Jan 2017
Version 1.16.0
  • Added - Cron rules for parsing new files.
  • Added - Set a custom download name for external files.
  • Added - Improved the external file validation.
  • Added - When searching for files, the path where the file is situated is now showed.
  • Added - Delete icon on the main folder and files listing.
  • Added - View users that requested a download link when using the email download method and option to CSV export them.
  • Added - Set custom briefcase name (username or user's name).
  • Added - New media module. -> Create a video/audio player using your files from RSFiles!
11 Aug 2016
Version 1.15.16
  • Fixed - Seeking was not working when previewing video files in Google Chrome.
15 Jun 2016
Version 1.15.15
  • Fixed - Check for file owner when overwriting an existing file.
12 Apr 2016
Version 1.15.14
  • Fixed - Unpublishing files did not worked correctly.
8 Apr 2016
Version 1.15.13
  • Fixed - Workaround for Joomla! 3.5.1 JMail breaking backwards compatibility.
30 Mar 2016
Version 1.15.12
  • Fixed - Joomla! 3.5 update made user selection window unresponsive.
  • Fixed - {file} placeholder should be used instead of the old {files} placeholder in the "Upload" and "Briefcase upload" emails.
22 Feb 2016
Version 1.15.11
  • Fixed - The RSFiles! navbar target was changed, due to conflicts between other navbars.
08 Dec 2015
Version 1.15.10
  • Fixed - {rsfiles path=""} did not return the main root anymore.
  • Fixed - The ordering syntax from the system plugin was not working properly.
04 Dec 2015
Version 1.15.9
  • Fixed - Downloading external files didn't display the correct filename if the URL contained dynamic parameters.
03 Dec 2015
Version 1.15.8
  • Fixed - When using Direct download, download permissions were not taken into account in some cases.
18 Nov 2015
Version 1.15.7
  • Added - Upload large files with the help of chunk uploads.
  • Added - Bulk reset statistics.
  • Added - New group permission: edit / delete own uploaded files.
  • Added - HTML5 video/audio player.
  • Fixed - iOS upload multiple images.
  • Upgraded - Flash upload was replaced with jQuery upload.
  • Upgraded - Error messages were updated.
30 Oct 2015
Version 1.15.6
  • Fixed - On Windows machines the download folder was not saved correctly and affected the plugin output.
30 Sep 2015
Version 1.15.5
  • Fixed - Some files could no longer be uploaded due to changes in the Joomla! 3.4.0 framework.
29 Jul 2015
Version 1.15.4
  • Upgraded - Flowplayer updated.
27 Jul 2015
Version 1.15.3
  • Fixed - Preview files did not worked correctly when using menu items that had a sub-folder selected as root.
16 Jul 2015
Version 1.15.2
  • Fixed - The hits functionality was updated for when the "Direct download" option was enabled.
13 Jul 2015
Version 1.15.1
  • Fixed - The system plugin was not setting the correct parameters.
9 Jul 2015
Version 1.15.0
  • Added - New reCAPTCHA captcha.
  • Added - Updates will now show up in the Joomla! Update section.
  • Added - Batch options to files in backend.
  • Added - Configure what file extensions to allow when uploading in the briefcase.
  • Added - Briefcase notification email. (An email is sent to the user's briefcase when an admin uploads in his briefcase)
  • Added - Add files to bookmark straight from the main list.
  • Added - Show/Hide some details from the main listing.
  • Added - Show/Hide some details from the main listing when using the system plugin.
  • Added - Moderate uploaded files.
  • Added - Show/Hide the preview button.
  • Added - Dashboard Downloads and Hits charts.
  • Fixed - Hits were not calculated correctly.
  • Upgraded - All MooTools scripts were converted to jQuery.
29 Apr 2015
Version 1.14.18
  • Fixed - Changing the order from the frontend was not working correctly.
25 Mar 2015
Version 1.14.17
  • Fixed - An error is thrown when the headers are already sent.
13 Mar 2015
Version 1.14.16
  • Updated - The download function has been updated.
3 Mar 2015
Version 1.14.15
  • Fixed - The backend sidebar on Joomla! 3.4 was not showing correctly.
15 Dec 2014
Version 1.14.14
  • Fixed - Incorrect permissions were set to the new folders created in the main download directory.
18 Nov 2014
Version 1.14.13
  • Fixed - The file size was not displayed correctly for files larger than 2GB.
  • Fixed - Small fix for downloading large files.
13 Oct 2014
Version 1.14.12
  • Fixed - Fixed an issue with the removal of users from the RSFiles! Groups.
10 Oct 2014
Version 1.14.11
  • Fixed - Fixed an issue where you cannot remove external files from the back-end.
23 Sep 2014
Version 1.14.10
  • Fixed - Some permissions were not inherited correctly on subfolders.
22 Sep 2014
Version 1.14.9
  • Fixed - In some cases an administrator could browse outside the download folder (Backend).
08 Sep 2014
Version 1.14.8
  • Fixed - The search filter from the RSFiles! search view was not escaped properly.
05 Sep 2014
Version 1.14.7
  • Fixed - The 'Edit' button was visible in the briefcase even if the permission was set to denied.
20 Aug 2014
Version 1.14.6
  • Fixed - Fixed an issue with the System plugin.
14 Aug 2014
Version 1.14.5
  • Fixed - The Date Added field was saved incorrectly in the front-end.
11 Aug 2014
Version 1.14.4
  • Fixed - Fixed an issue with the active downloads counter.
1 Aug 2014
Version 1.14.3
  • Fixed - Some permissions were not correctly applied when using a menu item with a subfolder as root.
15 Jul 2014
Version 1.14.2
  • Fixed - External files were visible in the briefcase folder.
11 Jul 2014
Version 1.14.1
  • Fixed - Problem when updating to version 1.14.0.
10 Jul 2014
Version 1.14.0
  • Added - New file permissions: Can edit, Can delete, Can upload, Can create new folders.
  • Added - Ability to set different file previews to files.
  • Added - New icon set.
  • Added - Change the ordering direction from frontend listing.
  • Updated - The method that files are stored in the database.
  • Updated - When using the "Email download" method and the file has a license attached, you will need to agree to the license terms in order to be allowed to submit the email download form.
  • Updated - Latest files module. (More details can be used in template overrides.)
  • Fixed - Joomla! 3.3 tooltip problem.
  • Fixed - Replaced the default Joomla! modal class.
  • Fixed - No errors were displayed when an invalid screenshot was uploaded.
  • Fixed - Some external files were not removed properly.
  • Fixed - The "Extend permissions" option did not take into consideration the external files.
30 May 2014
Version 1.13.17
  • Fixed - Issues with folder/files data when changing the download folder.
09 May 2014
Version 1.13.16
  • Fixed - Bookmarking a file when using a menu item with a subfolder from the download root.
06 May 2014
Version 1.13.15
  • Fixed - Corrected the creation of briefcase folders in the frontend.
05 May 2014
Version 1.13.14
  • Added - Remove email download entries after a selected period of days.
17 Apr 2014
Version 1.13.13
  • Fixed - There was an error when previewing a file in the Briefcase.
16 Apr 2014
Version 1.13.12
  • Fixed - There was an error when a user was trying to download from the Briefcase.
01 Apr 2014
Version 1.13.11
  • Fixed - The folder description was not displayed correctly in the briefcase.
28 Feb 2014
Version 1.13.10
  • Updated - Load Icons available on Joomla! 3.
  • Updated - Load Bootstrap available on Joomla! 3.
  • Updated - Folders how inherit permissions.
  • Fixed - Editor button wasn't being displayed.
  • Fixed - Remove users from Group wasn't working correctly.
  • Fixed - JS escaped incorrectly in the license agreement popup.
  • Fixed - Preview function in Safari and older versions of Internet Explorer.
  • Fixed - Image thumb in tooltip.
28 Feb 2014
Switched to new version mode.
30 May 2013
Rev 13
  • Added - Joomla! 3.x compatibility (including responsive design & bootstrap compatibility)
  • Added - You can now set a general description for the main download folder
  • Added - Configurable maintanance permissions for the main download folder
  • Added - You can now download files directly from within the file listing area
  • Added - Email multi-language configuration option. You can now configure emails for each installed language
  • Added - Template overrides can now be applied for the the RSFiles! System plugin as well
  • Updated - Backend file synchronization. The purge and synchronize buttons were combined into a single option
  • Updated - Improved error handling. You can now choose the apropriate action when an user performs a non-authorized request
  • Updated - Refactored the source code to use less resources
18 Mar 2013
Rev 12
  • Updated - Fixed an SQL vulnerability
  • Updated - Fixed various bugs in R11
31 Jul 2012
Rev 11
  • Updated - Improved design and usability in backend
  • Added - New module - "RSFiles! Folder Content Viewer"
  • Added - Navigation path in the backend
  • Added - New AJAX multiple file uploads
  • Added - Modal preview for screenshots
  • Added - Screenshots integration with RSMediaGallery! R4
  • Added - Creating briefcase folders for users from the backend
  • Added - Customizable frontend file download layout for File Size, Added Date, Updated Date, File Version, Download Hits, License
  • Added - RSS icon in the frontend on Joomla! 2.5
  • Added - Backend now searches in File Name and File Description
  • Fixed - Bug on some hosting environments where the root directory was not detected correctly
  • Fixed - Custom parameter used for selecting folders or files (when adding Menu Item, plugin editor-xtd)
  • Fixed - Translation for RSFiles! menu items
  • Removed - "Show title" option from Settings
16 Feb 2012
Rev 10
  • Updated - Renamed "Reports" to "User Reports"
  • Updated - Removed "Design type" from Configuration - using template overrides
  • Added - Statistics icon next to each file (in backend)
  • Added - Captcha and ReCAPTCHA when downloading files
  • Added - Basic Joomla! 2.5 ACL support
  • Fixed - Statistics filter bug
  • Fixed - Using "position: fixed" for the license agreement modal buttons to avoid IE bugs
10 Oct 2011
Rev 9
  • Added - You can choose whether to overwrite existing files if they exist.
  • Added - Option to show or hide the description of the current folder.
  • Added - You can set an unpublished date for files.
  • Added - You can now preview audio and video files (mp3,3gp,flv,mp4).
  • Added - You can add external files (as download source).
  • Added - A "popular" icon will appear to the most downloaded files.
  • Added - A "new" icon will appear to the newly uploaded files.
  • Updated - The "Show reports link" option is now "Enable reports".
  • Rewrote some core functions for better functionality.
1 Aug 2011
Rev 8
  • Joomla! 1.7 compatibility
  • Added - RSMail Integration. You can now capture the Name and Email into a RSMail! list
  • Added - {email} placeholder for email download file method.
  • Added - Briefcase Folder with group permissions. Each user can now have its own private area where he can download, update or delete its files.
  • Added - Briefcase folder menu item.
  • You can now create template overrides for file views
  • Improved overall file themes. Notice: We recommend switching to the new design. The next RSFiles! revision will not longer support the old file themes. More details here
24 Mar 2011
Rev 7
  • Added - Meta description & Meta keywords for file views
  • Added - Send e-mail to a friend link
  • Added - New parameter in files menu item. You can set which folder to show in frontend
  • Added - New module for recent files
  • Fixed - Rev 6 bugs
29 Dec 2010
Rev 6
  • Added - Downloads limit
  • Added - Search filter in backend
  • Added - You can remove the detalis, bookmark and report links
  • Added - {filepath} placeholder
  • Added - {FilesNumber} placeholder - returns the number of files in the folder
22 Sep 2010
Rev 5
  • Added - Report email
  • Added - Publish files
  • Added - Edit file in frontend
  • Updated - Edit groups
  • Fixed - Safari preview
29 Jul 2010
Rev 4
  • Added - {fullpath} placeholder
  • Added - Bookmarks(multiple download)
  • Added - Set the date added manually
  • Added - Report file
  • Added - New view: files in a period of time
19 May 2010
Rev 3
  • Added - Flash Uploader
  • Added - Bulk enable statistics
  • Updated - Install/uninstall procedure
  • Updated - System plugin
01 Apr 2010
Rev 2
  • Added - Upload Email - when a user uploads a new file you will be notified
  • Added - Show file path
  • Added - Upload animation
  • Added - System plugin

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