
This tab will be automatically populated with all the Joomla! user accounts and it allows you to create Event Owner Profiles. These profiles will be visible in the frontend area and are associated with each event made by a certain owner.

You can find it under Components > RSEvents!Pro area and the following options can be configured, which will be displayed in the frontend area:

  • Name: You can choose a name for the user
  • Image: This field can be used to upload a photo or a logo related to the profile. You can control the size of the image from RSEvents!Pro > Settings > Events > scroll down to 'Media' section and set the desired value for the 'User photo width' option.
  • Description: The last option would be the user's description where you can add some details about the event owner.
The Profile page will display the user's created events, the events that he has joined as well as the archived events.

After configuring your event owner profiles, you will also need to link them to your event details. This is done from Components > RSEvents!Pro > Settings > Events by choosing 'RSEvents!Pro' from the 'Event owner profile' dropdown.


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