Related Entries Module

Use this module if you want to display entries that are related to the one you are currently viewing. By default, it was designed in such manner that it will list only entries that belong to the same category.

Another criteria that you can list entries by, which is configurable in the backend, is the Price variation. This can only be provided as a percentage.

For example, if you set up a price variation of 50 %, and you are currently viewing an entry that costs 30 $, the module will list entries that belong to the same category, their prices varying from 15 $ to 45 $.

The module can also be configured so that it displays the entries' thumbnails or not and, if you do wish to display them, you can set up a maximum thumbnail width (the height will be calculated automatically based on the width, thus maintaining the aspect ratio).

Configuration options

  • Custom Itemid: You can place the item id of the Single Entry menu item here. When clicking on an entry, the user will be redirected to an instance of the Single Entry menu item baring the same settings as the one you have added to your website.
  • Module Class Suffix: This suffix will be added to the module's CSS class. Use this option for individual module styling.
  • Max # of entries: The maximum number of entries.
  • Display: Display the entries horizontally or vertically.
  • Price variation: Enable/disable price variation.
  • Price variation: The price variation %. Display the related entries whose price variates between ± price variation %. E.g.: If we have a price variation of 10% and the price of an entry is 100, the related entries will have their price between 90 and 110. NOTE that you do no need to put the '%' sign in the text field.
  • Display thumbs: Yes / No
  • Thumbnail max width: set the thumbnail max width
  • Thumbnail position: set the thumbnail position: Top / Right / Bottom / Left
  • Display titles: Yes / No
  • Display prices: Yes / No
  • Display ratings: Yes / No

You can read more on how to install RSDirectory! modules here.

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