Categories Module

This module displays a listing of all available RSDirectory! categories.

Configuration options:
  • Module Class Suffix: apply a suffix to the module's CSS class for additional styling
  • Custom Item ID: add the item ID of your List Entries menu item (optional). This is helpful to have a preferred module set-up loaded for the pages opened by the module's links. Note that new SEF URLs will get created because of the addition of new elements in links.
  • Layout: List / Responsive Blocks - display the categories either as a default list or as responsive items
  • Select Categories: Choose which categories to show. You can display all of them by selecting All Categories.
  • Category Order: No Order / Title Alphabetical / Title Reverse Alphabetical / Category Manager Order - choose how the categories should be listed in the module.
  • Show Categories Thumbnail: Set to Yes in order to display the thumbnails associated with the categories (if present)
  • Only with Entries: Set to Yes in order to only show categories which have at least 1 entry.
  • Show the Number of Entries: Set to Yes in order to display an entry counter for each category.

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