Entry Claims

The Entry Claims tab provides a listing of all entries claimed, as well as filtering them based on their status.

To access this tab, please head to Components >> RSDirectory >> Entry Claims.

Listing information

Each entry claim is listed along with some relevant information:

  • Approved Status: The entry's claim status: Approved / Pending
  • Approved Status: The entry's claim approval date
  • Entry: The claimed entry
  • Claim Credis: The amount of credits needed for the entry to be claimed
  • Entry Author (Initial): The initial entry author before claiming
  • Claimed By: The user who claims the entry
  • Email: The email of the user who claims the entry
  • Phone: The phone of the user who claims the entry
  • Date Claimed: The date when the entry has been claimed. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
  • ID: The entry's internal id

To access the Claimed Entry details page, click on its dedicated button. Here we will see:

Entry Data
  • Entry: The entry's claim status: Approved / Pending
  • Entry Author (Initial): The entry's claim approval date
  • Claim Credis: The claimed entry
Claimer Data
  • Claimed By: The claimer's name
  • Email: The claimer's email address
  • Date Claimed: The date of entry's claim
  • Message: The message received from the claimer
  • Approved Date: The approval date of the claim
How to use this functionality?
Important! The "Claim Listing" option can only be enabled on the entries that are submitted/owned by a Super User.

Here are the steps that you need to take in order to enable this functionality:

Step 1:

Head to Components > RSDirectory! > Users section and enable the "Allow claim a listing" permissions for the Super User that owns the entry.

Step 2:

Log in using the Super user account in question and head to RSDirectory! > Entries section and enable the "Mark as can be claimed" from "Claim Listing" column for the entries that can be claimed.

Step 3:

Go to Components > RSDirectory! > Groups > select the user group that can claim entries in the frontend area > switch to Admin tab > set to "Yes" the "Can claim available entries".

Step 4:

After the above-mentioned steps are covered, the user that belongs to the user group that has "Can claim available entries" permissions will see a "Claim Listing" button, when accessing the entry's details page. After clicking on this button and completing the form from the popup window, he/she will claim the entry. If "Claim Credis" is configured, the user needs to have that number of credits on his/her account to be able to claim the entry. If the user does not have enough credits, a link to the "Buy Credits" page will be displayed, informing about how many more credits are needed in order to claim the entry.

Step 5:

Head to Components > RSDirectory! > Entry Claims and "Approve" or "Deny" the entry claim.

Configure the emails

There are three types of emails that can be configured:

One for the entry owner(Super User account) - this email can be configured from Components > RSDirectory! > Forms > select your form > Claim Listing tab

Two email notifications that can be configured to be sent to the user that claimed the listing from Components > RSDirectory! > Email Messages:

  • one will be sent "On entry claim approval"
  • the other one will be sent "On entry claim denial"

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