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Title and description for thumbnails in plugin and module

by lausianne on 10 Jul 2013 12:50 | 4559 Hits | 4 comment(s)

The title and description are displayed for the thumbnails generated by the component only when using the "Gallery layout" menu item that is specific for RSMediaGallery!. If images are published using the content or system plugins then the description and title will not be shown for the generated thumbnails.
Title and description should be possible to be displayed for all thumbnails, no matter where and how they appear.

Ralf Longwitz - 03.07.2015 (02:49:06)

Hello Alexandru,
Thanks for your reply. I think there is no reason to suspect that description and title would not show up. How much space is available is designers choice, and anything is easy to remove from output. To add these items is much harder. For us, at least, probably not for you.
Thanks for considering a fix!


Alexandru Plapana - 10.02.2014 (02:54:01)

So, you are saying that unless the title is displayed within an article an image gallery component is useless ? I am sorry, but i don't agree with you on this.

This hasn't been added by default because of the rather limited space available when displaying images like this.

If this is such an important feature for you why exactly didn't you ask our pre-sale department about this ?


Matt Cole - 07.02.2014 (21:07:37)
Title and description for thumbnails in plugin and module

Quote :
Hello I'm very dissapointed to that we can't display title in the thumbnails when the gallery is in an article, i bought rsmediagallery to use it in article but now it is useless for me.

Exactly! I just wasted 2 hours. Thanks for nothing!


soigan - 04.09.2013 (17:37:15)
Title and description for thumbnails in plugin and module

Hello I'm very dissapointed to that we can't display title in the thumbnails when the gallery is in an article, i bought rsmediagallery to use it in article but now it is useless for me.


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