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8 votes

Ability to store signatures for users

by damian1 on 13 Jan 2014 00:21 | 4075 Hits | 2 comment(s)

When a user submits a new Ad. Is there a way they can have a pre-set signature (or a choice of multiple) that has all of their contact details and web links etc. So that they don't need to type this every time? If not I think this would be a valuable addition to RS Directory.

I would also vote that this could somehow fall into the core description field. I don't know how, but that's where I need it. Maybe have just a radiobox below the description field, and the chosen signature gets injected into the Ad at the end.

Alexandru Plapana - 16.09.2014 (02:30:12)

As you can see, the status still states "none". Unfortunately no, we do not have a timeline for this.


Damian Witham - 15.09.2014 (23:53:15)
When is this scheduled

Has this been accepted? I hope so. It's great news. Do you have a timeline?


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