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10 votes

Custom Form Elements

by forrestkirby on 21 Nov 2019 17:16 | 1029 Hits | 1 comment(s)

A way to add custom form elements, so that developers can add their own form elements that have a customized layout and custom fields. There should be a documented example and the elements should not be deleted on update. This would allow developers to extend RSForm!Pro to match clients’ needs while keeping forms eay to create and maintain.

Octavian Cinciu - 06.04.2023 (01:09:00)

This is already possible since all fields that extend RSForm! Pro's functionality are created using Joomla! plugins. Unfortunately we don't have developer documentation on how to do this just yet but you can always take a look at one of our plugins' source code to get a general idea on what triggers are needed.


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