Joomla! extensions from RSJoomla! - Blog

The new version includes the long awaited "update through Joomla!" feature, which makes updating the component so much easier by using the default Joomla updater! Read on for more information!

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This question surfaces very often and if you are reading this article, it’s because you are tempted to choose a free Joomla! extension but you want to make sure you don’t hurt your business by doing so. And we are going to give you some tips on what to keep your eye on when you “shop around” for an extension.

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Nowadays people don’t trust the brand, they trust each other, they trust in word-of-mouth recommendations and this is why online ratings and reviews are very important and have proven to increase sales. In the following article we will provide a simple tutorial on how to implement a `Service Rating form` in RSForm!Pro. We even included the sample form (which you can import in your RSForm!Pro extension through the Backup & Restore functionality).

RSForm!Pro Rating System
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As with all our projects, progress is based on the community's needs. We gather data through our forum, pre-sale department, feedback and depending on some factors (such as their use-case scenario, community's response) we push them on the "TO-DO" board. For example, this forum post caught our attention regarding the flexibility of displaying the events created in RSEvents!Pro. We gave it some thought and we decided to create the NEW RSEvents!Pro Events Module and improve the Content Plugin! to display your events in an effective and engaging way.

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Template overrides offer tremendous flexibility in terms of content look and feel. You can control any aspect - HTML output and CSS, without affecting the extension's update process.

The technique consists in duplicating the module's view files into the template's html folder.

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