Events module


The RSEvents!Pro Events module allows you to display a simple listing of events based on a series of configurable parameters

The module can be downloaded from within the > My downloads section. Note that you need to have an active RSEvents!Pro license to be able to do this. To learn how to install the module, please refer to the installation tutorial.

Configuration Parameters
  • Default ordering: this allows you to select the ordering criteria - Event name or Start date
  • Default ordering direction: Ascending or Descending
  • Custom Itemid: links that will be posted via this module will incorporate the item id parameter as specified here.
  • Limit: this allows you to control the event list length.
  • Open links in: links that are generated within the module can be opened in a new window or in the current one.
  • Event type: Select the event listing that you wish to show. Can be : Past, Today, Archived, This Week, Next Week, This Weekend, Next Weekend, This Month, Next Month, Upcoming, Ongoing or Timeframe events
  • From: Display events starting from this date
  • Until: Display events ending until this date
  • Include archived events: if enabled the listing may include archived events.
  • Show child events: if, for example, you have repeating events, this option will allow you to control whether to include them in the listing or not.
  • Show canceled events: Yes/No - if set to yes, the canceled events will be included as well, according to your selected options
  • Show full events: Yes/No - if set to yes, the fully booked events will be included as well, according to your selected options
  • Event categories: the listing will incorporate events that belong to the specified categories. Leave empty for all.
  • Event locations: the listing will incorporate events that occur in the specified locations. Leave empty for all.
  • Event tags: the listing will incorporate events that contain the specified tags. Leave empty for all.
  • Event Speakers: you can choose to filter events based on specific speakers assigned.
  • Event Sponsors: you can choose to display events that have specific sponsors assigned.

Choosing the Timeframe Events type, will open 2 other inputs for a start and an end date.

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