Joomla! extensions from RSJoomla! - Blog

How can CSV files be affected?

Well, technically CSV files are text files - the purpose of a CSV is in its name - Comma Separated Values. The issue is actually a combination of spreadsheet software interpreting values as formulas (thus no longer treating values as plain text) and the tendency of users to ignore security prompts - or to agree to terms and conditions without scrolling through :-)

13 May 2019 in Development
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UPDATE! Bug has been confirmed and will be fixed in Joomla! 3.4.1

We've recently talked about the benefits of Joomla! caching. In the past weeks, we've seen an increase of people using Joomla! caching and that's a good thing - but not without its issues.

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After updating to Joomla! 3.4.0, you may have encountered some extensions that did install in previous Joomla! versions are now throwing the message:

Archive does not exist
Unable to find install package

What is causing the error

Joomla! 3.4.0 introduced a new security feature, scanning uploaded files for potential dangerous code. For example, it scans uploaded archives for PHP code - something that should not be done in the Extensions Installer (com_installer). Fortunately, Joomla! contributors already debugged and fixed this (pull request here) so if you don't want to wait until 3.4.1 is released, read this blog post.

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Tagged with joomla, bug, installer

An issue recently introduced in Joomla! 3.3.4 (pull request here) makes navigating back to the first page impossible when using SEF. When you click to go to the second page and then attempt to go back to the first page, you'll actually stay on the same page. This is because the "limitstart" parameter is missing from the URL due to this cosmetic change (which attempts to avoid duplicate URLs). They're fixing it in the upcoming 3.3.7 release (pull request here).

Read on for instructions on how to fix this.

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Tagged with joomla, bug, pagination

Joomla! 1.5 has had a (longer than expected) good run and we've been offerring support for our customers long after it entered end of life, with the release of 1.5.26 back in March 2012. However, things need to move forward.

We will be dropping support for Joomla! 1.5 completely beginning 1st of March, 2015.

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Tagged with joomla 1.5